Diabetes: A Symptom of the 21st Century You’ve heard the statistics, know of people who have it and may even be receiving treatment for it yourself. One thing is for sure, its hard to ignore the reality of Diabetes. This is especially true when living in the 21st century where our habits make us more vulnerable to lifestyle diseases like Diabetes Mellitus than ever. Diabetes is a metabolic disease that occurs when a person has higher than normal blood glucose levels, otherwise known as blood sugar levels. This is due to an inadequate producti
Read moreClinics and Hospitals
Knowing the difference between a hospital and clinic can be very beneficial and may save you both money and time when trouble strikes!
Read moreWhat is the Alexander Technique? A Comprehensive Guide to Its Principles and Benefits
Exploring how practicing the Alexander Technique can contribute to stress relief and improved mental health.
Read moreThe price of perfectionism
What does being a perfectionist mean? Simply, it means that there is absolutely no room for failure. Anything achieved by the perfectionist must be completely perfect and devoid of all errors. These expectations are self-imposed and are often unrealistic.
Read moreQigong
Qigong. If you aren’t a fluent Chinese linguist, you probably didn’t say this word right. I definitely didn’t. Qi is pronounced “Chee” and can be translated as the pivotal energy of force that flows through the entire universe. Secondly, Gong is pronounced “Kung”. Now that we understand the name, perhaps we can start to explore the practice itself. Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that is utilized as a system of health that incorporates intent, focus, physical postures and specific breathing techniques. Similar to yoga, Qigong is a pr
Read moreMagnetic Field Therapy
The magnetic currents used in Magnetic Field Therapy are thought to increase the motion of electrolytes and ions within the body, making way for a super-charging of the cells in our body. This charge gives the body the ability to start healing from within.
Read moreThe Benefits of Starting Latin American Dancing Classes
In summary, Latin American dancing offers a holistic approach to fitness that encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being
Read moreThe Role of Buteyko Breathing in Stress Reduction and Mental Clarity
The Buteyko Breathing Technique offers a powerful tool for reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity.
Read moreStott Pilates
Stott Pilates There seems to be a growing theme of creating variations on old exercises, and this is one of them. Stott Pilates is essentially an adapted version of Joseph Pilates exercise routine. The founders of Stott Pilates spent a total of twenty years gathering information from fitness professionals, sports sciences and physiotherapists. The adapted practice takes on a more researched approach, and incorporates a variety of different techniques and exercises that are modern, comprehensive and athletic. The practice places a large focus
Read morePole Dancing as a Powerful Form of Fitness in South Africa
Pole dancing has transcended its origins to become a respected and highly effective form of fitness and artistic expression in South Africa
Read moreArt Therapy: a creative solution for psychological distress
Art therapy is a method of expression that makes use of various artistic fields for emotional and psychological healing. Art therapy can be used as a therapeutic tool in two different manners, either by focusing on the art-making process as a therapeutic act or by focusing on an analysis of the patient’s work of art to reveal hidden aspects of their psyche.
Read moreDermotologist
Dermatologist A Dermatologist is somebody who has been trained to study, research, treat and diagnose skin conditions. A Dermatologist is a Medical Doctor and must have a general medical degree, which takes 3 – 4 years as well as a further specialized qualification which focuses on skin and dermatology for another 3-4 years. It goes without saying that a Dermatologist is more than qualified when it comes to treating any issues you may have with your skin. A Dermatologist will manage any issues with the skin through either topical or systematic
Read moreAn introduction to Bodyworks
Bodywork therapy is a broad term that refers to a variety of treatments that aim to realign and restructure a patient’s body to improve its physical functioning, and to improve the patient’s mental health.
Read moreBody Building
Bodybuilding Most of us may believe that we have an understanding of bodybuilding – a parade of men and women with muscles beyond our wildest dreams. Regardless of your opinions on body building, it cannot be denied that the men and women who do it have dedicated their lives to reaching very specific goals. A bodybuilder is not just somebody who trains in the gym and has a muscular physique – a bodybuilder is somebody who competes in bodybuilding competitions. Bodybuilding is an exercise technique that is purely based on intense resistance th
Read moreICU Nurses
"When you're a nurse you know that every day you will touch a life or a life will touch yours."
Read moreNavigating Frail Care Centres: Providing Compassionate Support for the Elderly in South Africa
Frail care centres provide round-the-clock care and supervision to ensure that residents' needs are met at all times.
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