The Science Behind Botox: How It Works to Reduce Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Learn about the science of Botox, its mechanism in smoothing wrinkles, and its medical applications for conditions like migraines and excessive sweating.
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Chronically stressed individuals are 3 times more likely to suffer from frequent colds.
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Colour therapy: Its methods and benefits
Colour therapy, otherwise known as Chromotherapy, is an alternative form of therapy that has evidence of use dating back thousands of years to ancient cultures in China and Egypt.
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Aerobics Gyms
Aerobics gyms are fitness facilities that specialize in offering aerobic exercise classes and programs aimed at improving cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and overall health
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Applied Kinesiology
There are multiple practices in both western and eastern medicine that believe that the body is more interlinked than we know. Applied Kinesiology is one of those practices
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Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy. With cupping therapy becoming an increasingly popular form of massage, you may have heard about the technique through the grapevine. However, this newly popular technique has actually been practiced since ancient Chinese, Middle Eastern and Egyptian periods. Cupping Therapy is a practice that has emerged itself into our current times and proves to hold many benefits. What is Cupping Therapy? Cupping therapy is a massage technique that makes use of specially crafted cups. These cups may be made out of glass, silicone, bamboo
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An introduction to biokinetics
Biokinetics is an increasingly important aspect of healthcare for many patients who suffer from the repercussions of an unhealthy lifestyle. Too little exercise, poor diet and a high-stress lifestyle have made biokinetics all the more important for those who need help improving their physical condition.
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Endocrinologist An Endocrinologist is somebody who is medidentify that there is a problem with the patient’s glands. Our glands are responsible for releasing a variety of hormones in our body. A problem with the glands will often lead to a hormonal imbalance, which will be diagnosed and treated by an Endocrinologist. W - Thyroid Disease
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Slipping a Disk and What to Do About It.
“Mom! Dad has put his back out again!” “A friend of mine slipped a disc while snagging a 23kg Carp”. Sounds quite excessive right? (The slipped disc, not the Carp). Let me help dust off the terminology before the weekend’s boasting around the braai.
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Types of nail fungi and how to spot them
Your hands and feet are integral to living everyday life and are a part of almost every activity that takes you from morning to night. Fungal infections are understandably a huge hindrance and can be both painful and unsightly. Here is a simple guide to the four main types of nail fungi to be aware of, as well as some tips on how to spot them, so that you can seek treatment immediately:
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Health Food Shops
Shopping from Health Food Shops is a sure way to know that your food has been grown and made in the most natural and beneficial way possible. It is a good choice to consider for your body, your health, and the environmen
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Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage. A Deep Tissue Massage is a form of massage that is able to reach deep layers of muscle tissue and fascia more effectively than a normal massage is able to. Deep Tissue Massage is used to treat an array of different conditions and issues by breaking down knots in the muscles and scar tissue. A deep tissue massage will begin with light pressure techniques to warm up the muscles and prepare them for a more intense pressure. As the pressure increases, your Massage Therapist will be able to manipulate layers of muscle that
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Body Building
Bodybuilding Most of us may believe that we have an understanding of bodybuilding – a parade of men and women with muscles beyond our wildest dreams. Regardless of your opinions on body building, it cannot be denied that the men and women who do it have dedicated their lives to reaching very specific goals. A bodybuilder is not just somebody who trains in the gym and has a muscular physique – a bodybuilder is somebody who competes in bodybuilding competitions. Bodybuilding is an exercise technique that is purely based on intense resistance th
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Recovery – time to rescue your body
Although a quick light rub down on race day will be very beneficial in flushing toxins from the muscles, day two post race day is a good time to consider a sports massage
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Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy The name itself sounds daunting enough, but Craniosacral Therapy is a form of therapy that is non-invasive, gentle and aims to restore vitality and balance to the mind and body. Craniosacral Therapy is based around the idea of healing the body and mind through light touch, gently manipulating the body to hear itself in a way that it usually does not. The light touch of a Craniosacral Therapist will cause your body to react by starting to listen to itself and what is truly going on through out your body and mind. Often th
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Five things you need to know about flu
Flu can be a severe and possibly life-threatening disease, especially for high-risk people. The category of 'high-risk' includes those who are:
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Corporate yoga: Bringing meditation into the workplace
In the stressful environment of a corporate office, group yoga sessions can be the perfect way to bring colleagues together, reduce stress and improve workplace morale. Corporate yoga is also an effective way to increase workplace productivity. By taking a healthy and active break from office work, employees are more likely to work effectively and enthusiastically afterwards.
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