What Does an Endocrinologist Do? Understanding Hormonal Health and When to Seek Help
In South Africa, where conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, and hormonal imbalances are on the rise, understanding the role of an endocrinologist is more important than ever.
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Jazz Dancing for over 50's
jazz dance classes can help build muscle strength, endurance, and tone
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Jungian Analysis
People turn to Jungian Analysis to create a stronger connection between their ego and their unconscious mind, to essentially become a more in tune and spiritually whole being
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Allergologists: a solution for your allergy ailments
Allergies are debilitating ailments that are notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat. Finding a professional and reliable allergologist is, therefore, vital to ensure your allergy does not impact your quality of life. Read on to find out what to look for when searching for a long-term, high quality allergologist to help you deal with your allergy:
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Coming up vegan
Vegan options are seen more and more on everyday menus and new vegan restaurants have opened their doors throughout the city. Defining a vegan diet would be as follows: A type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, dairy products, eggs and honey, but includes a wide variety of plant foods. Reasons for ‘going vegan’ include avoiding the killing and suffering of animals, and the killing of wildlife for profits.
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Art Therapy: a creative solution for psychological distress
Art therapy is a method of expression that makes use of various artistic fields for emotional and psychological healing. Art therapy can be used as a therapeutic tool in two different manners, either by focusing on the art-making process as a therapeutic act or by focusing on an analysis of the patient’s work of art to reveal hidden aspects of their psyche.
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Making your meditation practice sustainable.
The practice of meditation is very simple, but it does not always come easily, especially in the beginning.
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Recovery – time to rescue your body
Although a quick light rub down on race day will be very beneficial in flushing toxins from the muscles, day two post race day is a good time to consider a sports massage
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Boxing Personal Trainers
Boxing personal trainers specialise in incorporating boxing techniques and workouts into fitness routines to improve cardiovascular health, strength, agility, and coordination
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More often that not, people tend to either choose cardio or strength without ever considering combining the two. Making sure you have a balance between both means that your fitness regime is more diverse and beneficial to your health as a whole. Mixing strength training and cardio is essential when it comes to getting results, ensuring that you are losing fat whilst replacing it with muscle.
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Anusara Yoga
Anusara partakes in a non-dual Tantric philosophy, meaning that their teachings revolve around the idea that there can only be good, and that goodness knows no opposite
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Exploring the Depths of Consciousness:
Perhaps you've experienced unexplained fears or recurring dreams that seem to have no origin in your current life.
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Magnetic Field Therapy
The magnetic currents used in Magnetic Field Therapy are thought to increase the motion of electrolytes and ions within the body, making way for a super-charging of the cells in our body. This charge gives the body the ability to start healing from within.
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Couples Counselling as a solution to modern relationship conflicts
Negotiating the often-rocky terrain of intimate relationships can be a source of great joy or pain in a person’s life. As relationships can be so difficult, the journey that couples take together can often benefit from professional advice, insight and guidance.
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Gynaecology If you became somewhat uncomfortable when reading the title of this article, you definitely aren’t the only one. This uncomfortable feeling, however, is not one that you should be feeling. Some how, we have managed to make the practical, logical and necessary health concerns of females around the world a taboo subject. Fortunately there is a conscious move towards making woman feel comfortable and unashamed about taking control of their sexual and reproductive health. A Gynaecologist is a doctor that specializes in the treatment
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Unveiling the Mysteries of Aura Healing
In the ever-evolving landscape of holistic healing, aura healing shines as a beacon of hope and transformation.
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Understanding Acne Skin Peels: How They Work and What to Expect
Learn how Acne Skin Peels work to exfoliate, reduce acne scars, and reveal healthier, clearer skin. Prepare for your treatment with tips on what to expect before, during, and after your peel for the best results.
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