Childrens Chiropractor
Child Chiropractic. What many people fail to realise is that most the spinal discomfort or injury that we feel as we get older are repercussions of small injuries that may have occurred when we were children. Back injury can begin as early as childbirth and should be monitored throughout a child’s growth in order to prevent as much injury as possible. A Child Chiropractic is trained to deal specifically with the spines of infants and young children, helping to strengthen and develop their spines whilst they are still young to prevent injury d
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High Cholesterol & Treatment
The increased Cholesterol is problematic as it begins to deposit in our arteries and other areas of the body. These deposits begin to block blood flow and can result in a Heart Attack or Stroke.
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What to look for when choosing a boxing gym
When done correctly, boxing can be one of the most effective forms of exercise that both improves muscle tone and burns kilojoules. However, without the correct equipment and environment, boxing becomes less effective as an exercise and can even be dangerous. Read on to find out what to look for if you are interested in finding a boxing gym:
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Dietitians Having a healthy, balanced and effective diet is not something that always comes easily. When it comes to monitoring and understanding the food that you put into your body, a dietitian will be able to give you the most sound and professional advice. Dietitians are people trained in how to correctly nourish and feed your body when it comes to specific requirements and needs. These needs are not only limited to weight loss. Dietitians are trained to deal with individual patient needs that could range from needing to gain weight to pat
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6 popular styles of ballroom dancing
Ballroom dancing is an extremely diverse discipline of dance that has a different style, pace and atmosphere for every personality and level of ability to enjoy. Have a look at these popular types of ballroom dancing to find a style that suits you.
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Audiologists: a solution for hearing and balance problems
Audiologists treat hearing and balance issues and all disorders related to these bodily functions. Audiologists treat people with hearing loss and also make use of preventative treatment to reduce the risk of further hearing damage.
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Anusara Yoga
Anusara yoga is a modern style of yoga that emphasizes alignment principles, heart-opening poses, and a positive philosophy.
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Health Supplements
Health Supplements As you read this, I’m sure you don’t need to be told about the chaotic nature of modern living. The modern workforce and general busy nature can out a lot of stress on the way we live and has also made an impact on the nutrients we put into our body. The way people eat today has far less nutritional value than the way people used to eat. This lack of nutrition and minerals has lead us to the option of health supplements, which are extra sources of nutrients for bodies that need an extra boost in the health and wellness depart
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Sex Therapy
Sex Therapy Vast majorities of people are still unwilling to discuss their sex lives, despite the fact that sex plays a huge role in how relationships function. A healthy sex life is often a direct link to a healthy, open relationship. With the pressures that many of us face today, it is easy to put sex with our partners on the back seat. Sex Therapy is aimed towards changing that mentality and helping clients to find out how they can have a sex life that creates a safe and meaningful relationship. What is Sex Therapy? Sex therapy is an op
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Female Gyms
Female Gyms I think that I can speak for a vast majority of woman when I say that going to the gym is hard, and I would argue that it is significantly difficult for woman. Most athletic spaces are not entirely friendly towards woman, and can often become an uncomfortable environment to work out in. Fortunately, the development of all female gyms has created a space for woman to exercise in where they feel safe from being ogled at and sexualized. If you are struggling to find a female gym, all you need to do is go to our homepage to find a wome
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Lymphatic Health and Its Role in Skin Glow: Detoxify from the Inside Out
Lymphatic health plays a key role in achieving glowing, clear skin. By incorporating lymph drainage, you can improve detoxification, reduce puffiness, and promote youthful skin. Learn how this process enhances your complexion from the inside out.
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Health tips to help reduce PMS symptoms
Reduce your salt intake: Eating less salt is recommended for people experiencing breast tenderness and bloating. Rather cook your own food instead of eating processed food or takeaways and replace salt with herbs when you cook.
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Hypnotherapy For those who are more accustomed to traditional forms of treatment when it comes to health and wellness, hypnotherapy may seem like a foreign and slightly strange practice. However, if you have found that western behavior therapy has been unsuccessful for you, it may be time to explore other options such as Hypnotherapy! At Health4You, you will be able to find professional Hypnotherapists in your area. What is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is an alternative form of behavioral treatment. Hypnotherapy is used to change the cognitiv
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Running Coaches
Running, like any other activity requires constant effort and attention. Training on your own makes it very easy to fall short - you don't have anybody to answer to. However, a coach will act as an authoritative presence that will hold you accountable and will ensure you are up bright and early for that Monday morning session.
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Kids Personal Trainer
Remember, it's crucial to foster a positive attitude toward exercise and a healthy lifestyle in children. If your child enjoys the experience, they're more likely to develop a lifelong love for physical activity.
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Everything you need to know about barre classes
Barre-based classes are an increasingly popular form of exercise that originate from ballet. These classes are structured around a long horizontal barre positioned in front of a mirror. The barre is used to perform various poses and exercises on and the mirror allows one to check one’s posture, position and movements.
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Chakra Healing
Chakra Healing Its name may sound like a new trendy super food, but Chakras are actually pivotal energy portals in our bodies that allow energy to flow throughout our body. Each Chakra is specifically placed to hold certain energies from various aspects of your life. Each part of the body produces specific cells that perform specific functions and emit specific energies. This is how we understand and decipher the different energy channels located carefully from the base of our spine to our cranium. Healing Through Chakra Cleansing Energy
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