Acupressure Acupressure is another effective form of traditional Chinese healing that dates back to almost 2000 years and is still in practice today. Acupressure is a form of healing that is similar to acupuncture but makes use of pressure instead of needles. Acupressure focuses on placing pressure on certain points of the body in order to alleviate a variety of different symptoms. The foundation of acupressure is built upon the idea of healing through the cleansing of energy meridians in our body. These ‘meridians’ act as pathways for energy
Read moreHow can Chakra Healing impact your life?
Chakras are simply defined as a central hub of energy within the body. The word ‘chakra’ originates from the language of Sanskrit and means ‘wheel’, which refers to the chakra’s function as a spinning vortex of various interacting energies, neurological systems, and physiological systems.
Read moreHow to Choose the Right Aesthetic Clinic for Your Needs
Remember, aesthetic treatments are about enhancing your natural beauty, so take the time to find a clinic that supports your journey and is committed to helping you achieve the best version of yourself.
Read moreWhat Is Lymphatic Drainage Massage? The Science Behind Its Health and Beauty Benefits
In a world where we’re constantly exposed to stress and toxins, lymphatic drainage massage offers a gentle, natural way to support your body’s health and beauty.
Read moreBikram Yoga for beginners
The discipline of Bikram yoga was pioneered in the early 1970s by Indian yoga guru Bikram Choudhury. Bikram Yoga is an intense, heated and action-packed discipline under the broad umbrella of various yoga styles. Each class is composed of a set sequence of 96 postures and two breathing exercises. All Bikram classes are taught by certified Bikram instructors who have completed a nine-week training programme developed by Bikram Choudhury.
Read moreApplied Kinesiology: An alternative solution path to health
Kinesiology is also known as the practice of biomechanics and focuses on the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology branches off this foundation and emphasises the importance of muscle strength monitoring where diagnosis and treatment is based on the theory that muscles have important links to other body parts, such as organs and tissues.
Read moreUnderstanding Myofascial Release: What It Is and How It Works
By addressing the body’s fascia and restoring balance, this gentle yet effective technique can lead to improved mobility, reduced discomfort, and a greater sense of well-being.
Read morePrenatal Yoga
Prenatal Yoga Yoga is a practice that embodies mind, body and soul. Pregnancy happens to be something that challenges the mind, body and soul. Pregnancy is an incredible journey that can be a testing time, and using Yoga throughout your pregnancy is beneficial to the way you experience being pregnant as well as how you experience giving birth. The Benefits of Prenatal Yoga Your body is always changing – and this change is experienced at an even more drastic and rapid rate when a woman’s body is carrying a child. Prenatal Yoga practices are
Read moreCorporate Massage
Corporate Massage The modern day working environment is no doubt one of the most stress inducing areas to spend your time. We are constantly working around a high pressure, high-speed schedule that seldom gives us time to de - stress and only intensifies our anxiety. It is no wonder that companies are now seeking out ways to ensure that their employees are well cared for in order for them to work to their full potential. One of these techniques that companies use is Corporate Massage. The Benefits of Corporate Massage I’m sure that the idea
Read moreTop 4 benefits of ballet
Classic ballet is often praised as the foundation of many strains of dance and has a long history of development in line with other classic disciplines, like opera and classical music. Besides providing exquisite entertainment and exposure to classical music to audiences, ballet has numerous benefits for those who dance.
Read moreLife Coaches
Life coaches are professionals who work with individuals to help them clarify goals, overcome obstacles, and create positive changes in various areas of their lives.
Read moreDay Spas
Day Spas ______________________________________________ Perfect for when you just need a day to focus on your health and wellbeing, day spas provide the perfect escape. A day spa is a business that focuses on providing health, beauty and relaxation treatments such as massages, facials and waxing. These day spas are a balance between a beauty salon and a destination spa – great for w
Read moreAnusara Yoga
Anusara partakes in a non-dual Tantric philosophy, meaning that their teachings revolve around the idea that there can only be good, and that goodness knows no opposite
Read moreFive facts you need to know about Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy is a form of alternative therapy that has its roots in ancient Eastern medicine. During a cupping therapy session, a therapist will create a suction effect on the skin using cups specially designed for cupping therapy. The therapist uses the cups to create a vacuum effect, which pulls the area of the skin that is in contact with the cup into the hollow of the cup.
Read moreFive things you need to know about flu
Flu can be a severe and possibly life-threatening disease, especially for high-risk people. The category of 'high-risk' includes those who are:
Read moreLymphatic Health and Its Role in Skin Glow: Detoxify from the Inside Out
Lymphatic health plays a key role in achieving glowing, clear skin. By incorporating lymph drainage, you can improve detoxification, reduce puffiness, and promote youthful skin. Learn how this process enhances your complexion from the inside out.
Read moreSafety tips for CrossFit beginners
Make sure you warm up and cool down sufficiently as part of your workout session.
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