A beginners guide to the essentials of a new cycling kit
For beginners just entering the exciting world of cycling, choosing the perfect kit that meets their level of ability, price range and specific cycling fitness goals can be a daunting task. With so many options to choose from, it’s no wonder many simply opt for the cheapest and most readily available gear. If you are a beginner cycler looking to build the right kit for you, take note of these essential cycling items you simply cannot do without:
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Nanoneedling-Infusion instantly allows up to 1000% more absorption of skin care products
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High Cholesterol & Treatment
The increased Cholesterol is problematic as it begins to deposit in our arteries and other areas of the body. These deposits begin to block blood flow and can result in a Heart Attack or Stroke.
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Stott Pilates
Stott Pilates There seems to be a growing theme of creating variations on old exercises, and this is one of them. Stott Pilates is essentially an adapted version of Joseph Pilates exercise routine. The founders of Stott Pilates spent a total of twenty years gathering information from fitness professionals, sports sciences and physiotherapists. The adapted practice takes on a more researched approach, and incorporates a variety of different techniques and exercises that are modern, comprehensive and athletic. The practice places a large focus
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Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique The Alexander Technique is a method that was created to ultimately change the way we perform every day activities. The Alexander Technique puts forward the idea that changing the way we feel about thoughtless activities such as walking, sitting or even standing. As children, we had to learn to do these things using concentration and effort. In adulthood, however, we lose that sense of being present in our actions. The Alexander Technique aims to create a presence and an intellectual involvement in all areas of activity.
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Weight Loss
Weight Loss. Those two words alone seem excruciatingly daunting. Those two words mean a change in lifestyle, mind set and eating habits – things that we have become complacent in and regard as our comfort zone. Weight loss is often a difficult and long journey that can often have low self-esteem and guilt as consequences. Pursuing weight loss is something that needs to be done correctly in order for the benefits to be long lasting and healthy. A professional can guide you in changing your life for the better, and those professionals can be foun
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Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage. During the course of your pregnancy, it is inevitable that you will be bombarded with numerous words of advice. Whether it comes from your mother, your great aunt or a stranger on the street, the constant grappling with new information can be overwhelming and stressful. It is important that you cope with your pregnancy t
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Jungian Analysis
People turn to Jungian Analysis to create a stronger connection between their ego and their unconscious mind, to essentially become a more in tune and spiritually whole being
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Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage, also known as prenatal massage, involves therapeutic techniques specifically adapted to the needs of pregnant women.
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Bodytalk: Is this the right therapy for you?
If you are looking for a holistic approach to healing based on the principles of energy flow in the body, then Bodytalk could be perfect for you. According to Bodytalk therapy, the human body is a delicately balanced ecosystem of physiological, mental, biochemical, emotional and physical functions, all of which interact with environmental, genetic, and hereditary influences.
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What Does an Ophthalmologist Do? Understanding Their Role in Eye Health
From diagnosing eye diseases to performing life-changing surgeries, ophthalmologists play a vital role in eye health. Learn when to seek professional eye care in South Africa and how early detection can prevent vision loss.
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The Truth About Anti-Aging: What Dermatologists Want You to Know
Many myths surround anti-aging, leading people to spend fortunes on products that don’t work or even damage the skin. So, what’s fact and what’s fiction? Let’s explore what dermatologists really want you to know about aging and how you can take the best possible care of your skin.
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Jazz Dancing for over 50's
jazz dance classes can help build muscle strength, endurance, and tone
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What is Buteyko, where did it originate and who do you go to for this type of therapy?
While the Buteyko Method may offer potential benefits for some individuals, it's important to approach it as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments
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Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy As a modern community, we are the generations benefiting from years of developing technology. We have an incredible access to medical innovation that has improved the lives of people all around the world. Laser therapy is one of these technological advances that can reap huge benefits. What is Laser Therapy? Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser Therapy is a light focused treatment that uses a light that is adjusted to very specific wavelengths. Laser Therapy provides doctors with extre
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What is the Alexander Technique? A Comprehensive Guide to Its Principles and Benefits
Exploring how practicing the Alexander Technique can contribute to stress relief and improved mental health.
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