Social Workers
Social Workers A Social Worker is somebody who has to deal with the difficulties of peoples circumstances on a daily basis. They are often the connection between an individual, family or patient and an institution such as the government. Social Workers are trained to assist families or individuals cope with certain issues or circumstances. A Social Worker plays many roles. They are required to train people to cope with their day to day lives in order to have a better standard of living, as well as liaising between patients and healthcare profe
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Finding Your Zen: Meditation Techniques for Busy Lives and Beautiful Outcomes
The key is consistency and finding the techniques that resonate most with you.
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Applied Kinesiology: An alternative solution path to health
Kinesiology is also known as the practice of biomechanics and focuses on the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology branches off this foundation and emphasises the importance of muscle strength monitoring where diagnosis and treatment is based on the theory that muscles have important links to other body parts, such as organs and tissues.
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Listen closely to what your close friends and family have to say about your intended spouse because they may see negative character traits in him you have missed.
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Drugs and Alcohol
Drugs and Alcohol Drug and Alcohol addiction and abuse is something that has become an increasing crisis. Substance abuse is a tragic and detrimental disease that affects families and individuals worldwide. Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction. How do you know if you have a drinking problem? Deep down, you probably already do know. Below are a few things to consider asking yourself if you feel you may be struggling from alcohol dependency. 1) You feel ashamed or guilty about your drinking habits 2) Family members or friends to discuss your drink
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An introduction to the intricacies of Chinese Massage
Traditional Chinese medicine has over 2 500 years of history that has included the development of acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies and more. In greater China, Chinese medicine continues to be the standard system of medicine and has also spread its influence to Western regions of the world where it is embraced as a form of alternative medicine.
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Bikram Yoga for beginners
The discipline of Bikram yoga was pioneered in the early 1970s by Indian yoga guru Bikram Choudhury. Bikram Yoga is an intense, heated and action-packed discipline under the broad umbrella of various yoga styles. Each class is composed of a set sequence of 96 postures and two breathing exercises. All Bikram classes are taught by certified Bikram instructors who have completed a nine-week training programme developed by Bikram Choudhury.
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An introduction to biokinetics
Biokinetics is an increasingly important aspect of healthcare for many patients who suffer from the repercussions of an unhealthy lifestyle. Too little exercise, poor diet and a high-stress lifestyle have made biokinetics all the more important for those who need help improving their physical condition.
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How can stress relief techniques help you?
Stress in the modern age is a common struggle for all people, regardless of age or occupation. For many, cycles of stress, worry and constant activity in daily life can be crippling and efficient stress release techniques are becoming increasingly vital.
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Classical Pilates
Classical Pilates Pilates, the exercise that brings to mind thoughts of toned bodies and kale smoothies. This workout, despite becoming globally practiced, is a workout that roots from a very precise classical practice. Pilates is a workout that has become renowned for its ability to tone and strengthen the body in a way that does not cause stress, damage and imbalance. It is an exercise that focuses on flexibility, focus and commitment to mastering it. Classical Pilates evolved during a time of war and historical importance. Joseph Pilates w
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Bodytalk: Is this the right therapy for you?
If you are looking for a holistic approach to healing based on the principles of energy flow in the body, then Bodytalk could be perfect for you. According to Bodytalk therapy, the human body is a delicately balanced ecosystem of physiological, mental, biochemical, emotional and physical functions, all of which interact with environmental, genetic, and hereditary influences.
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Common Orthopaedic Surgeries and What to Expect During Recovery
Considering orthopaedic surgery? Discover how Orthopaedic Surgeons can restore mobility and ease pain. From knee replacements to spinal fusion, learn what to expect during recovery and how health professionals can help you heal faster and get back to an active life.
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Sports Coach
Sports Coaches Whether you played social soccer as a child or you moved onto playing professional tennis, there is no doubt that a dedicated and committed sports coach can make a huge impact on how well you perform both physically and mentally. A Sports Coach can have varying qualifications depending on the level of professionalism of the sport that they teach. They may be somebody who excelled at sport in school, an ex-professional sportsman or even somebody who studied sports science at a university. The Benefits of a Sports Coach • They k
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The perfect ‘me-time’: How to detox through breathing exercises
The time-honoured tradition of using breathing exercises to meditate originates from ancient times and continues to be relied on by many people today. In the intense pace of 21st-century life, genuine calm and relaxation are often difficult to access. Read on to find out how you can harness the power of breath to free yourself from physical and mental distress.
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Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing When it comes to health and wellness, it would be limiting for us to only accept and utilize one facet of health care. Some people turn to Crystal Healing when they have found that Western Medicine just isn’t what they are after. If you are interested in taking a step towards using Crystal Healing for your health, this article will be able to act as a guide to get you on your way. The Body and Crystal Healing It is easy to see how people may seem skeptical about putting their health in the hands of a pretty stone. People who p
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