Back pain - Postural syndrome - Dr Gert Ferreira - Chiropractor in Centurion
The next and last part of the series on mid back pain is on Postural syndrome and Dr Gert Ferreira a chiropractor in Centurion will be discussing this condition
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A beginner’s introduction to the Alexander Technique
In 1890, Frederick Matthais Alexander pioneered the Alexander Technique after developing a serious case of voice loss that doctors found impossible to diagnose. After exploring several theories, Alexander realized that he himself had been unknowingly damaging his vocal chords while speaking due to the particular ways in which he stood, moved his head, or tensed his body while speaking.
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Dermatologist A Dermatologist is somebody who has been trained to study, research, treat and diagnose skin conditions. A Dermatologist is a Medical Doctor and must have a general medical degree, which takes 3 – 4 years as well as a further specialized qualification which focuses on skin and dermatology for another 3-4 years. It goes without saying that a Dermatologist is more than qualified when it comes to treating any issues you may have with your skin. A Dermatologist will manage any issues with the skin through either topical or systematic
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Biggest beauty trends of 2018
Every new year brings with it a fresh take on beauty and trends in fashion. 2018 is defined by daring developments in body hair, new clothing styles, politically progressive makeup trends, and more. Read on to find out what’s hot in 2018.
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Hot Stone Massages If you are looking for a massage technique that is deeply relaxing and invigorating, a Hot Stone Massage is definitely an option to consider. Hot Stone massage is a technique that involves your massage therapist using heated, smooth stones to massage or lay across your back. The heat of the stones is extremely relaxing and aids the muscles in becoming loose and easy to manipulate and massage, ensuring a deep and effective massage. Hot Stone Massage is initially rooted in Native American tradition, where the stones were hea
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The Power of Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing, rooted in centuries-old traditions, offers a profound pathway to holistic wellness
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How to Choose the Right Aesthetic Clinic for Your Needs
Remember, aesthetic treatments are about enhancing your natural beauty, so take the time to find a clinic that supports your journey and is committed to helping you achieve the best version of yourself.
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Gynaecology If you became somewhat uncomfortable when reading the title of this article, you definitely aren’t the only one. This uncomfortable feeling, however, is not one that you should be feeling. Some how, we have managed to make the practical, logical and necessary health concerns of females around the world a taboo subject. Fortunately there is a conscious move towards making woman feel comfortable and unashamed about taking control of their sexual and reproductive health. A Gynaecologist is a doctor that specializes in the treatment
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The Transformative Power of Sex Therapy
Sexual health is an integral component of overall well-being, encompassing physical, mental, and social aspects of sexuality.
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Medication and Therapy: How Psychiatrists Create Personalised Treatment Plans
Psychiatrists use a combination of medication and therapy to create personalised treatment plans. Learn how they assess mental health conditions, prescribe medications, and integrate therapy to support long-term recovery.
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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
There are many methods that have been explored when it comes to altering the behavioural patterns of the brain and mind. NLP is a practice that revolves around doing exactly that.
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How to choose the right couples counsellor for you and your partner
The relationship that you have built with your significant other is deeply intimate, personal and unique. Therefore, opening up this relationship to others who are there to help is often very difficult and can feel like an invasion of privacy. Despite this, taking the step with your partner to seek professional guidance if your relationship is faltering is certainly a step in the right direction and demonstrates that, as a team, you are serious about re-establishing the harmony you have lost.
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When Should You See a Dermatologist?
A look at how dermatologists detect and treat various forms of skin cancer, including melanoma
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Health Spas
Health spas are a great way to combine relaxation and healthy living, walking away with a deeper understanding and knowledge of how to treat your body
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An introduction to core energetics
Core energetics was developed by John Pierrakos in the early 1970s and is a practice that combines spiritual development with body psychology. Core energetics focuses on how, as adults, we are prone to reinstating childhood defence mechanisms and negative habits that block positive energy channels throughout the body, which causes a disempowered approach to life.
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Online Personal Trainer
Online Personal Training Many people who hear of Online Personal Training may find the concept bizarre – isn’t exercise supposed to be done away from the computer? The answer – not necessarily. The internet offers us a wide variety of opportunities and exercise has become one of them. An Online Personal Trainer is somebody who films classes and makes them available on the internet for people to follow along from the comfort of their own home. When it comes to choosing to follow a personal trainer online, there are a wide variety of benefits
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Unveiling the Role of Psychodynamic Psychotherapists
Ultimately, the goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy is not just symptom relief but holistic personal growth and fulfillment.
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