What are therapeutic reflexology and craniosacral therapy?
Therapeutic reflexology and craniosacral therapy are gentle, safe, and drug-free therapies that improve your health and help you get real and sustainable results, so you can feel better, live better and become happier and healthier– even if you’re living a busy life!
Chronically stressed individuals are 3 times more likely to suffer from frequent colds.
Read moreApplied Kinesiology
There are multiple practices in both western and eastern medicine that believe that the body is more interlinked than we know. Applied Kinesiology is one of those practices
Read moreMeditation
Meditation We live in an incredibly fast paced world. Jobs have become overwhelmingly demanding and social pressures have escalated beyond belief. People seem to have forgotten how to simple be. Spending time that is dedicated strictly to yourself and your consciousness has become almost unheard of. This is exactly why meditation is so important, especially in our current society. To meditate is to remove yourself from a distracted state and dedicate time to focus on your breath, body and mind. From an outside perspective, meditation may se
Read moreIs life passing you by?
Is life passing you by while you wait for the 'perfect' time to realize your dreams, goals or desires? For example, some may put off their dreams until ‘the kids are in school’, or ‘the kids are out the house’. However, it is important to realise that there will never be a perfect time and the moment is right now! By waiting for the so-called ‘perfect time’, we are in fact postponing our own happiness in life.
Read moreArt Therapy: a creative solution for psychological distress
Art therapy is a method of expression that makes use of various artistic fields for emotional and psychological healing. Art therapy can be used as a therapeutic tool in two different manners, either by focusing on the art-making process as a therapeutic act or by focusing on an analysis of the patient’s work of art to reveal hidden aspects of their psyche.
Read moreTop 4 benefits of ballet
Classic ballet is often praised as the foundation of many strains of dance and has a long history of development in line with other classic disciplines, like opera and classical music. Besides providing exquisite entertainment and exposure to classical music to audiences, ballet has numerous benefits for those who dance.
Read moreApplied Kinesiology: An alternative solution path to health
Kinesiology is also known as the practice of biomechanics and focuses on the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology branches off this foundation and emphasises the importance of muscle strength monitoring where diagnosis and treatment is based on the theory that muscles have important links to other body parts, such as organs and tissues.
Read moreReflexology for Hormonal Balance: A Natural Approach to Skin and Mood
Incorporating reflexology into your wellness routine offers a natural and effective approach to managing hormonal balance, leading to healthier skin and improved emotional health.
Read moreAlexander Technique
The Alexander Technique The Alexander Technique is a method that was created to ultimately change the way we perform every day activities. The Alexander Technique puts forward the idea that changing the way we feel about thoughtless activities such as walking, sitting or even standing. As children, we had to learn to do these things using concentration and effort. In adulthood, however, we lose that sense of being present in our actions. The Alexander Technique aims to create a presence and an intellectual involvement in all areas of activity.
The Wuhan Corona virus (2019-nCoV) is a recently identified virus which is part of the family of viruses that cause the common cold
Read moreChristian Counselling
Christian Counseling There is a time in every person’s life where they need the guidance and the support of a professional, experienced ear. Counselors can make a massive difference in peoples lives, and should not be viewed as an option that is shameful or wea
The use of Homeopathic medicine is very specific to the individual and the condition affecting the person
Read morePersonal Boxing Trainer
Personal Boxing Trainers. If you are looking for a boxing trainer, it is probably that you have been exploring boxing at an amateur level and you are maybe looking to step it up a notch – and a boxing trainer is a step in the right direction. If you are looking for a boxing trainer in your area please visit our homepage Why should you think about a Boxing Trainer? You’re Getting Good If you are starting to enjoy the sport more and you are finding yourself becoming more skilled, then a Boxing Trainer will help you to improve and refine your
Read moreDeep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic massage technique that focuses on reaching deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue to relieve chronic tension, pain, and stiffness
Read moreAcupressure: A pain-relieving practice from the East
When people think of Eastern Medicinal practices, the ancient technique of acupuncture often springs to mind. Fewer people are aware of an equally effective and authentic Eastern method called Acupressure, which is similar to Acupuncture but differs in a few key respects.
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