Unlocking the Benefits of Myotherapy: How Targeted Muscle Therapy Can Alleviate Chronic Pain
In conclusion, myotherapy offers a highly effective and holistic approach to managing chronic pain.
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Top tips for naturally beautiful nails
There’s nothing classier than clean, healthy nails. How can you keep yours in tip-top shape? Follow these simple guidelines to find out, and start your nail care regime today:
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An introduction to biochemical therapy
Biochemical therapy is a natural therapy that aims to rebalance a patient’s cellular metabolism by ensuring the body has the perfect balance of essential mineral salts for optimum functioning. The 12 vital mineral salts biochemical therapy focuses on include Calcium Fluoride, Calcium Phosphate, Phosphate of Iron, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Sulphate, Magnesium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Sulphate, Silica Oxide and Calcium Sulphate.
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The top 5 benefits of boxing
Boxing is a high-energy form of fitness that can be an extremely effective toning and strengthening device. This form of exercise comes with multiple benefits for both the body and mind, read on to find out why you should consider taking it up:
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Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage, also known as prenatal massage, involves therapeutic techniques specifically adapted to the needs of pregnant women.
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The use of Homeopathic medicine is very specific to the individual and the condition affecting the person
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Hawaiian Massage
The physical benefits of this massage are the same as other types of massage in terms of relaxing muscles, promoting circulation and releasing blocked energy. The difference lies in the Hawaiian traditions woven into the massage, including the belief that "loving hands" help you release not only physical tension but also mental, emotional and spiritual blockages.
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Muscles causing mid back pain - Trapezius - Dr Gert Ferreira - Chiropractor in Centurion
The first installment of the blog series of the muscles causing mid back pain is Trapezius muscle. This muscle is one of the most treated muscles in my chiropractic practice. Questions like, 'Can a Chiropractor treat this muscle?' these will all be answered in this blog.
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Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy As a modern community, we are the generations benefiting from years of developing technology. We have an incredible access to medical innovation that has improved the lives of people all around the world. Laser therapy is one of these technological advances that can reap huge benefits. What is Laser Therapy? Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser Therapy is a light focused treatment that uses a light that is adjusted to very specific wavelengths. Laser Therapy provides doctors with extre
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What Does an Allergologist Do? Understanding Their Role in Allergy Treatment
Investing in your health by consulting an allergologist is a proactive step towards a better quality of life.
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Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy. With cupping therapy becoming an increasingly popular form of massage, you may have heard about the technique through the grapevine. However, this newly popular technique has actually been practiced since ancient Chinese, Middle Eastern and Egyptian periods. Cupping Therapy is a practice that has emerged itself into our current times and proves to hold many benefits. What is Cupping Therapy? Cupping therapy is a massage technique that makes use of specially crafted cups. These cups may be made out of glass, silicone, bamboo
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Art Therapy: a creative solution for psychological distress
Art therapy is a method of expression that makes use of various artistic fields for emotional and psychological healing. Art therapy can be used as a therapeutic tool in two different manners, either by focusing on the art-making process as a therapeutic act or by focusing on an analysis of the patient’s work of art to reveal hidden aspects of their psyche.
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A beginner’s introduction to the Alexander Technique
In 1890, Frederick Matthais Alexander pioneered the Alexander Technique after developing a serious case of voice loss that doctors found impossible to diagnose. After exploring several theories, Alexander realized that he himself had been unknowingly damaging his vocal chords while speaking due to the particular ways in which he stood, moved his head, or tensed his body while speaking.
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Child Welfare and Protection: The Crucial Work of Social Workers in South Africa
Social workers in South Africa play a vital role in protecting children from abuse and neglect. Learn how these dedicated professionals provide emotional support, ensure safe living environments, and advocate for children’s rights to create a brighter future.
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The Chakras
It is vital to understand that the happiness of our life, is determined by the quality of our thoughts.
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An introduction to core energetics
Core energetics was developed by John Pierrakos in the early 1970s and is a practice that combines spiritual development with body psychology. Core energetics focuses on how, as adults, we are prone to reinstating childhood defence mechanisms and negative habits that block positive energy channels throughout the body, which causes a disempowered approach to life.
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The perfect ‘me-time’: How to detox through breathing exercises
The time-honoured tradition of using breathing exercises to meditate originates from ancient times and continues to be relied on by many people today. In the intense pace of 21st-century life, genuine calm and relaxation are often difficult to access. Read on to find out how you can harness the power of breath to free yourself from physical and mental distress.
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