How to Choose the Right Aesthetic Clinic for Your Needs
Remember, aesthetic treatments are about enhancing your natural beauty, so take the time to find a clinic that supports your journey and is committed to helping you achieve the best version of yourself.
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How to Exfoliate Safely: Avoiding Common Mistakes That Can Damage Your Skin
Learn how to exfoliate safely with tips to avoid mistakes like over-exfoliating, choosing the wrong exfoliant, and neglecting hydration, ensuring healthier, glowing skin.
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An introduction to the intricacies of Chinese Massage
Traditional Chinese medicine has over 2 500 years of history that has included the development of acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies and more. In greater China, Chinese medicine continues to be the standard system of medicine and has also spread its influence to Western regions of the world where it is embraced as a form of alternative medicine.
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Making your meditation practice sustainable.
The practice of meditation is very simple, but it does not always come easily, especially in the beginning.
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Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga advocates creating flexibility in areas of the body that most people believe are meant to be nonmalleable - such as the hips, knees, pelvis and lower spine.
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Anusara Yoga
Anusara partakes in a non-dual Tantric philosophy, meaning that their teachings revolve around the idea that there can only be good, and that goodness knows no opposite
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Non-Surgical Face Lifts for Every Age: Tailoring Treatments to Your Skin's Needs
From prevention in your 30s to rejuvenation in your 50s, non-surgical face lifts offer tailored, safe, and effective treatments to help you achieve healthy, youthful skin. Explore age-specific solutions for lifting, tightening, and revitalizing your natural beauty."
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The latest trends in hair restoration techniques
Hair loss happens for a multitude of reasons. Ageing, stress, medical disorders or skin diseases are just a few triggers that can result in a thinning head of hair. For many, hair loss is a source of deep psychological stress and even embarrassment and can be a real blow to one’s self-esteem. However, new breakthroughs in technology are making hair restoration easier and easier to achieve. Here are 2019’s latest trends to give your tresses new life:
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Sleep Better, Look Better: Using Biofeedback Therapy for Improved Sleep and Anti-Aging
If you’re seeking a natural, lasting approach to anti-aging, biofeedback therapy could be the answer.
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An introduction to the Bowen technique
The Bowen technique is named after Thomas Ambrose Bowen and is an alternative form of physical therapy that was developed in the 1970s. The technique has acquired a variety of alternative names, such as Fascial Kinetics, Integrated Bowen Therapy, or Smart Bowen.
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Top tips for choosing your perfect gym
Embarking on your fitness journey for the first time, or after a long break from exercise can be a daunting task. However, those first few tough weeks can be made easier if you choose a gym that motivates you, provides you with the equipment you need and allows you to get stronger in a safe environment. Follow these top tips to help you choose a gym that suits your needs:
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Body Building
Bodybuilding Most of us may believe that we have an understanding of bodybuilding – a parade of men and women with muscles beyond our wildest dreams. Regardless of your opinions on body building, it cannot be denied that the men and women who do it have dedicated their lives to reaching very specific goals. A bodybuilder is not just somebody who trains in the gym and has a muscular physique – a bodybuilder is somebody who competes in bodybuilding competitions. Bodybuilding is an exercise technique that is purely based on intense resistance th
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Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing Although it may seem like a foreign concept to some, Shamanic Healing is actually a spiritual practice that has co-exited amongst multiple religions. From Buddhism to Christianity, Shamanic Healing has been practiced in one way or another. Shamanism does not identify with one religion or ideology, but is rather a healing practice that is rooted in the common belief that we are all connected to the divine in all things. What is a Shaman? A Shaman is somebody who dedicates their life to altering their consciousness in order to
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Buteyko: Breathing exercises for better health
Buteyko is a form of alternative physical therapy that makes use of specific breathing exercises to treat respiratory problems, such as asthma. The Ukrainian doctor Konstantin Buteyko originated the technique in the 1950s on the foundational belief that many medical problems are caused by hyperventilation, or increased respiratory rates, and breathing that is too deep.
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The last trends in aesthetic medicine
Aesthetic medicine, an umbrella term that includes the category of plastic surgery, focuses on improving one’s cosmetic appearance by alleviating blemishes like scars, skin looseness, cellulite, unwanted hair, hair loss, excess fat, and more. Aesthetic medicine is evolving at a rapid rate to keep up with developing beauty trends and technological innovations. Check out these new trends in aesthetic medicine to keep abreast of what is currently available in the world of cosmetic enhancement.
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What is Swedish massage?
Swedish massage is the technique of massage that most probably comes to mind when one thinks of a quintessential massage experience: One-on-one time with a therapist, aromatic oils and lotions, deep rubbing and massage techniques, and smooth, slow movements. Swedish massage incorporates a variety of movement types, such as gliding, kneading, rubbing, stroking, pounding, vibration, or tapping.
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3 Steps To Discover The Purpose of Your Life
“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.” - Steve Maraboli
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