Acupressure Acupressure is another effective form of traditional Chinese healing that dates back to almost 2000 years and is still in practice today. Acupressure is a form of healing that is similar to acupuncture but makes use of pressure instead of needles. Acupressure focuses on placing pressure on certain points of the body in order to alleviate a variety of different symptoms. The foundation of acupressure is built upon the idea of healing through the cleansing of energy meridians in our body. These ‘meridians’ act as pathways for energy
Read moreWhat happens during Sports massages?
Many factors differentiate traditional massage from sports massage. Sports massage focuses on deep and restorative stimulation with a goal of rehabilitating muscles and enhancing athletic enhancement, whereas traditional massage concerns itself with aiding stress relief and providing relaxation.
Read moreChakra Healing
Chakra Healing Its name may sound like a new trendy super food, but Chakras are actually pivotal energy portals in our bodies that allow energy to flow throughout our body. Each Chakra is specifically placed to hold certain energies from various aspects of your life. Each part of the body produces specific cells that perform specific functions and emit specific energies. This is how we understand and decipher the different energy channels located carefully from the base of our spine to our cranium. Healing Through Chakra Cleansing Energy
It's our belief, that the holding phase or interim (interactive or transactive phase) facilitates the catharsis in terms of transference. It can be quite fun, as you can also be very creative in the transactive phase... ie quirky, different movements, or even primal movement, whichever feels right. Let me know how it goes... it should be a good way to reawaken rekindle some of the dormant senses of the body, helps with self-determination, self-efficacy and autonomy..
Read moreExploring Neuro Focus Therapy for Optimal Brain Health
Neuro Focus Therapy represents a cutting-edge approach to optimizing brain function and unlocking your mind's full potential.
Read morePregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage. During the course of your pregnancy, it is inevitable that you will be bombarded with numerous words of advice. Whether it comes from your mother, your great aunt or a stranger on the street, the constant grappling with new information can be overwhelming and stressful. It is important that you cope with your pregnancy t
Read moreRemedial Therapy
Remedial Therapists Although learning techniques are becoming more flexible and inclusive of children from different learning strengths, it is also very possible that your child may be unable to reach their full potential in the classroom. Remedial Therapy is recommended to children who suffer from certain learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, ADD or perhaps even just need a little extra help and attention. Remedial Therapy has often come to be associated with children that are disruptive, difficult or lazy. It should be noted, howev
Read moreUnderstanding Funeral Homes: Providing Support and Comfort for the Elderly in South Africa
Funeral homes in South Africa play a vital role in supporting and comforting the elderly and their families during times of loss and grief
Read moreWhat is contemporary dance, where did it originate and where can you attend classes in South Africa?
It is characterised by its fluidity, versatility, and expression of emotions and ideas through movement
Read moreExploring the Transformative Power of Thought Field Therapy
TFT is known for its versatility and effectiveness in addressing both acute and chronic emotional issues.
Read moreHealth Supplements
Health Supplements As you read this, I’m sure you don’t need to be told about the chaotic nature of modern living. The modern workforce and general busy nature can out a lot of stress on the way we live and has also made an impact on the nutrients we put into our body. The way people eat today has far less nutritional value than the way people used to eat. This lack of nutrition and minerals has lead us to the option of health supplements, which are extra sources of nutrients for bodies that need an extra boost in the health and wellness depart
Read moreA beginners guide to the essentials of a new cycling kit
For beginners just entering the exciting world of cycling, choosing the perfect kit that meets their level of ability, price range and specific cycling fitness goals can be a daunting task. With so many options to choose from, it’s no wonder many simply opt for the cheapest and most readily available gear. If you are a beginner cycler looking to build the right kit for you, take note of these essential cycling items you simply cannot do without:
Read moreHot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massages If you are looking for a massage technique that is deeply relaxing and invigorating, a Hot Stone Massage is definitely an option to consider. Hot Stone massage is a technique that involves your massage therapist using heated, smooth stones to massage or lay across your back. The heat of the stones is extremely relaxing and aids the muscles in becoming loose and easy to manipulate and massage, ensuring a deep and effective massage. Hot Stone Massage is initially rooted in Native American tradition, where the stones were hea
Read moreHow to Exfoliate Safely: Avoiding Common Mistakes That Can Damage Your Skin
Learn how to exfoliate safely with tips to avoid mistakes like over-exfoliating, choosing the wrong exfoliant, and neglecting hydration, ensuring healthier, glowing skin.
Read moreTypes of nail fungi and how to spot them
Your hands and feet are integral to living everyday life and are a part of almost every activity that takes you from morning to night. Fungal infections are understandably a huge hindrance and can be both painful and unsightly. Here is a simple guide to the four main types of nail fungi to be aware of, as well as some tips on how to spot them, so that you can seek treatment immediately:
Read moreTrigger Point Therapy for Stress Relief: How It Can Help You Relax
By releasing tension in the muscles, improving circulation, and enhancing body awareness, this therapy can help break the cycle of stress and discomfort that many of us experience.
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