What are therapeutic reflexology and craniosacral therapy?
Therapeutic reflexology and craniosacral therapy are gentle, safe, and drug-free therapies that improve your health and help you get real and sustainable results, so you can feel better, live better and become happier and healthier– even if you’re living a busy life!
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Exploring the Depths of Consciousness:
Perhaps you've experienced unexplained fears or recurring dreams that seem to have no origin in your current life.
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Acid reflux continues to affect many people on a daily basis.
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Anusara Yoga
Anusara partakes in a non-dual Tantric philosophy, meaning that their teachings revolve around the idea that there can only be good, and that goodness knows no opposite
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The Role of Buteyko Breathing in Stress Reduction and Mental Clarity
The Buteyko Breathing Technique offers a powerful tool for reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity.
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Naturopathy Every day we are reminded about the harmful things we exposed to; hormones in our food, toxins in the air and damaging chemicals in our medicine. Naturopathy is an alternative practice that fights against all these unnatural toxins and chemicals and focuses on healing the body in a way that is non-damaging and essentially only based on natural and organic methods. A Naturopath treats the body as a spiritual being as well as a physical being, placing a large amount of focus on lifestyle change, diet and exercise. Naturopaths also wo
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What causes hair loss?
There is no simple solution to hair loss and it is a complicated symptom that stems from a complex array of possible causes. Hair loss can be triggered by psychological or physical stress and can be an indicator of dysfunction in the body, or simply bad luck in the genetic lottery. Read on to find out the common most causes of hair loss:
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The Science of Sound Healing: How Vibrations Affect Your Body and Mind
Learn how sound healing uses vibrations to reduce stress, improve mood, and restore balance to the body and mind. This ancient yet science-backed practice offers a pathway to harmony and health.
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20 Different Yoga Practices
Yoga encompasses a diverse array of practices, each offering unique benefits for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
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Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback Therapy Think about the movements you can control – you control if you want to move your arm or if you want to walk. Just as we can control a variety of movements, there are functions in our body that are involuntary and are often not though about. These functions include heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension. Biofeedback Therapy is a form of therapy that teaches patients to have control over these involuntary movements. How Does it Work? Biofeedback Therapy is a drug free practice that focuses on bring awareness to the
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): A solution to psychological problems
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, otherwise known as CBT therapy, is a type of talking therapy that has gained worldwide repute and has been proven successful in many clinical trials. CBT is used to treat patients with a variety of mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, and is a suitable tool for patients of all ages.
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Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing When it comes to health and wellness, it would be limiting for us to only accept and utilize one facet of health care. Some people turn to Crystal Healing when they have found that Western Medicine just isn’t what they are after. If you are interested in taking a step towards using Crystal Healing for your health, this article will be able to act as a guide to get you on your way. The Body and Crystal Healing It is easy to see how people may seem skeptical about putting their health in the hands of a pretty stone. People who p
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Orthodontists are the people that we often tend to fear – they are one step scarier than a visit to the dentist. However, these medical professionals are vital when it comes to sorting out our teeth and mouths. Orthodontists are often the handiwork behind most of the beautiful smiles we see around us. An Orthodontist is trained to correct teeth alignment and to guide facial development.
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The Rise of Men's Grooming in South Africa: Trends and Evolution
The rise of men's grooming in South Africa reflects a broader societal shift towards self-care and personal grooming among men
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What is contemporary dance, where did it originate and where can you attend classes in South Africa?
It is characterised by its fluidity, versatility, and expression of emotions and ideas through movement
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Fitness and Personal Trainers
Personal Training – Fitness Personal training has become increasingly popular throughout the years, with people becoming more concerned with their health, fitness and strength. Personal training is hiring somebody to assist you on your health and fitness journey. Personal trainers are professionally equipped to train you in a way that is effective and safe. Who Benefits from a Personal Trainer? Personal trainers do not only cater to professional athletes and the fitness mad – they are extremely beneficial to individuals who want to make a
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Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy As a modern community, we are the generations benefiting from years of developing technology. We have an incredible access to medical innovation that has improved the lives of people all around the world. Laser therapy is one of these technological advances that can reap huge benefits. What is Laser Therapy? Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser Therapy is a light focused treatment that uses a light that is adjusted to very specific wavelengths. Laser Therapy provides doctors with extre
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