Allergists An allergist is somebody who is trained to specialize in treating and diagnosing allergies. Allergies can range from being a mild discomfort to being fatal. An allergist is trained to be able to deal with a variety of allergies including skin, food or allergies such as hayfever and asthma. When should you see somebody about your allergies? You should see an allergist if: • Your allergies are causing symptoms such as chronic sinus infections, nasal congestion or difficulty breathing. • You experience hay fever or other allergy sy
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Reiki and Stress Relief: The Secret to Ageing Gracefully
As we navigate the complexities of life, managing stress becomes crucial for our overall health and beauty.
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What Does an Allergologist Do? Understanding Their Role in Allergy Treatment
Investing in your health by consulting an allergologist is a proactive step towards a better quality of life.
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Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga. Yoga is an incredible practice that includes many different facets. There are a variety of different types of yoga that hold many different benefits. Yoga is a form of exercise that focuses not only on the body, but places a large amount of focus on the mind and spirit. It is important to find the kind of yoga that aligns with what you wish to gain in order for your practice to be as enjoyable as possible. Kundalini Yoga, specifically, is a practice that is energizing and uplifting. It makes direct use of meditation, dynamic
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Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback Therapy Think about the movements you can control – you control if you want to move your arm or if you want to walk. Just as we can control a variety of movements, there are functions in our body that are involuntary and are often not though about. These functions include heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension. Biofeedback Therapy is a form of therapy that teaches patients to have control over these involuntary movements. How Does it Work? Biofeedback Therapy is a drug free practice that focuses on bring awareness to the
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SCENAR Therapy
SCENAR Therapy is a scientific acronym that stands for Self Controlled Energo-Neuro Adaptive Regulator. The aim of the therapy is to correct communication between the brain and the body, resulting in faster healing.
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Sex Therapy
Sex Therapy Vast majorities of people are still unwilling to discuss their sex lives, despite the fact that sex plays a huge role in how relationships function. A healthy sex life is often a direct link to a healthy, open relationship. With the pressures that many of us face today, it is easy to put sex with our partners on the back seat. Sex Therapy is aimed towards changing that mentality and helping clients to find out how they can have a sex life that creates a safe and meaningful relationship. What is Sex Therapy? Sex therapy is an op
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Allergologists: a solution for your allergy ailments
Allergies are debilitating ailments that are notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat. Finding a professional and reliable allergologist is, therefore, vital to ensure your allergy does not impact your quality of life. Read on to find out what to look for when searching for a long-term, high quality allergologist to help you deal with your allergy:
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What is the Feldenkrais Method? An Introduction to This Innovative Approach to Movement
Whether you’re seeking to improve your athletic performance, reduce discomfort, or simply feel more at ease in your body, the Feldenkrais Method is a valuable tool that can support you every step of the way.
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Doulas are trained birth companions who provide emotional, physical, and informational support to women and their partners during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
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Naturopathy Every day we are reminded about the harmful things we exposed to; hormones in our food, toxins in the air and damaging chemicals in our medicine. Naturopathy is an alternative practice that fights against all these unnatural toxins and chemicals and focuses on healing the body in a way that is non-damaging and essentially only based on natural and organic methods. A Naturopath treats the body as a spiritual being as well as a physical being, placing a large amount of focus on lifestyle change, diet and exercise. Naturopaths also wo
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Acid reflux continues to affect many people on a daily basis.
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Your guide to French manicures
French manicures have long been considered the ultimate when it comes to nail fashion. They have a reputation for femininity, class, and elegance. Why not channel French sophistication into your nail look and get yourself a French manicure? Here is our guide for what to expect and how to specify exactly how you would like your French manicure to look:
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Sleep Better, Look Better: Using Biofeedback Therapy for Improved Sleep and Anti-Aging
If you’re seeking a natural, lasting approach to anti-aging, biofeedback therapy could be the answer.
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Is Hip Hop dancing still popular and what are the added benefits to joining a Hip Hop dance studio
hip hop dancing remains popular due to its cultural influence, expression, and physical fitness benefits
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Stott Pilates
Stott Pilates There seems to be a growing theme of creating variations on old exercises, and this is one of them. Stott Pilates is essentially an adapted version of Joseph Pilates exercise routine. The founders of Stott Pilates spent a total of twenty years gathering information from fitness professionals, sports sciences and physiotherapists. The adapted practice takes on a more researched approach, and incorporates a variety of different techniques and exercises that are modern, comprehensive and athletic. The practice places a large focus
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