What is Swedish massage?
Swedish massage is the technique of massage that most probably comes to mind when one thinks of a quintessential massage experience: One-on-one time with a therapist, aromatic oils and lotions, deep rubbing and massage techniques, and smooth, slow movements. Swedish massage incorporates a variety of movement types, such as gliding, kneading, rubbing, stroking, pounding, vibration, or tapping.
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An introduction to biochemical therapy
Biochemical therapy is a natural therapy that aims to rebalance a patient’s cellular metabolism by ensuring the body has the perfect balance of essential mineral salts for optimum functioning. The 12 vital mineral salts biochemical therapy focuses on include Calcium Fluoride, Calcium Phosphate, Phosphate of Iron, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Sulphate, Magnesium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Sulphate, Silica Oxide and Calcium Sulphate.
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Everything you need to know about barre classes
Barre-based classes are an increasingly popular form of exercise that originate from ballet. These classes are structured around a long horizontal barre positioned in front of a mirror. The barre is used to perform various poses and exercises on and the mirror allows one to check one’s posture, position and movements.
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The benefits and basics of Classical Pilates
Classical Pilates is strictly defined as a form of exercise that incorporates techniques from the originator of Pilates himself, Joseph Pilates. In classical Pilates, only those movements designed by Joseph Pilates are included in the workout session. Non-classical Pilates often incorporates movements and exercises from other physical therapy disciplines, such as yoga.
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Slipping a Disk and What to Do About It.
“Mom! Dad has put his back out again!” “A friend of mine slipped a disc while snagging a 23kg Carp”. Sounds quite excessive right? (The slipped disc, not the Carp). Let me help dust off the terminology before the weekend’s boasting around the braai.
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Kids Personal Trainers
Kids personal trainers are fitness professionals who specialize in creating exercise programs tailored to children's specific needs and goals.
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How to Choose the Right Aesthetic Clinic for Your Needs
Remember, aesthetic treatments are about enhancing your natural beauty, so take the time to find a clinic that supports your journey and is committed to helping you achieve the best version of yourself.
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Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy As a modern community, we are the generations benefiting from years of developing technology. We have an incredible access to medical innovation that has improved the lives of people all around the world. Laser therapy is one of these technological advances that can reap huge benefits. What is Laser Therapy? Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser Therapy is a light focused treatment that uses a light that is adjusted to very specific wavelengths. Laser Therapy provides doctors with extre
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Body Stress Release
Stress within the body can hold a very large variety of consequences that most of us are unaware of. Unnecessary stress can bring on symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, grinding teeth and tension in the jaw. It also can bring emotional symptoms such as anxiety, aggression, irritability and irrational thinking.
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Buteyko Breathing Method
Buteyko Method The Buteyko Breathing Method is a healing practice that was developed by Doctor Konstantin Buteyko. The practice is a specific way and understanding of breathing t that focuses on healing asthma and other breathing related difficulties. What baffles people about the method is that it involves no medicine, not even herbs or homeopathic solutions. The technique relies solely on how the patient breathes. Buteyko developed the method when he found that most breathing related problems such as asthma, allergies and bronchitis are all
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Unveiling the Mysteries of Aura Healing
In the ever-evolving landscape of holistic healing, aura healing shines as a beacon of hope and transformation.
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Running Coaches
Running, like any other activity requires constant effort and attention. Training on your own makes it very easy to fall short - you don't have anybody to answer to. However, a coach will act as an authoritative presence that will hold you accountable and will ensure you are up bright and early for that Monday morning session.
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Boxing Personal Trainers
Boxing personal trainers specialise in incorporating boxing techniques and workouts into fitness routines to improve cardiovascular health, strength, agility, and coordination
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Remedial Therapy
Remedial Therapists Although learning techniques are becoming more flexible and inclusive of children from different learning strengths, it is also very possible that your child may be unable to reach their full potential in the classroom. Remedial Therapy is recommended to children who suffer from certain learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, ADD or perhaps even just need a little extra help and attention. Remedial Therapy has often come to be associated with children that are disruptive, difficult or lazy. It should be noted, howev
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Ashtanga Yoga: Advanced yoga for those who love a challenge
Ashtanga yoga is an advanced discipline of yoga that is known for being highly structured and demanding on its students. This specific discipline of yoga was developed by Sri Pattabi Jois, who established a yoga centre in India and crafted Ashtanga yoga into what it is today.
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The pros and cons of eyelash extensions
Eyelash extensions can provide a fuller, longer, and more voluminous look to natural lashes
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – the name itself sounds lets us know that this form of therapy is not for the faint of heart. Turning to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy will require you, as a patient, to look within yourself and around yourself in ways that are challenging but also exponentially rewarding. ACT developed as a consequence of psychologists and researches wanting to create a type of therapy that would essentially act as a long-term recovery for those suffering from mental health issues. Alt
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