How can Chakra Healing impact your life?
Chakras are simply defined as a central hub of energy within the body. The word ‘chakra’ originates from the language of Sanskrit and means ‘wheel’, which refers to the chakra’s function as a spinning vortex of various interacting energies, neurological systems, and physiological systems.
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Making your meditation practice sustainable.
The practice of meditation is very simple, but it does not always come easily, especially in the beginning.
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You either love them, or you hate them. Regardless, your skin may need them every once in a while to keep healthy, glowing and clean. Facials range from being very simple to very, very complicated. Whether you are getting a basic exfoliation and extraction or a gold plated experience of the rich and famous, facials are something that should be a priority for your skin.
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The Benefits of Starting Latin American Dancing Classes
In summary, Latin American dancing offers a holistic approach to fitness that encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being
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Dealing With Change
Life is constantly changing. Our circumstances change, we grow older, our children grow up, our jobs change, we move to different places and even the people we spend time with change. How do you feel about change? Does it scare or excite you? Does it make you feel stressed and anxious or do you look forward to the prospect of change?
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Top 4 benefits of ballet
Classic ballet is often praised as the foundation of many strains of dance and has a long history of development in line with other classic disciplines, like opera and classical music. Besides providing exquisite entertainment and exposure to classical music to audiences, ballet has numerous benefits for those who dance.
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Healthy habits to help those with depression
Medication and therapy sessions with a psychologist or counsellor are important factors in a person’s recovery from depression, but developing healthy daily habits should be given just as much consideration in one’s mental health plan. Healthy habits, such as practising a balanced diet, exercising regularly, nurturing relationships and hobbies and practising stress management techniques, can all drastically improve a person’s mental health.
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The Chakras
It is vital to understand that the happiness of our life, is determined by the quality of our thoughts.
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Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage. A Deep Tissue Massage is a form of massage that is able to reach deep layers of muscle tissue and fascia more effectively than a normal massage is able to. Deep Tissue Massage is used to treat an array of different conditions and issues by breaking down knots in the muscles and scar tissue. A deep tissue massage will begin with light pressure techniques to warm up the muscles and prepare them for a more intense pressure. As the pressure increases, your Massage Therapist will be able to manipulate layers of muscle that
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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
There are many methods that have been explored when it comes to altering the behavioural patterns of the brain and mind. NLP is a practice that revolves around doing exactly that.
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Social Workers
Social Workers A Social Worker is somebody who has to deal with the difficulties of peoples circumstances on a daily basis. They are often the connection between an individual, family or patient and an institution such as the government. Social Workers are trained to assist families or individuals cope with certain issues or circumstances. A Social Worker plays many roles. They are required to train people to cope with their day to day lives in order to have a better standard of living, as well as liaising between patients and healthcare profe
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Remedial Therapy
Remedial Therapists Although learning techniques are becoming more flexible and inclusive of children from different learning strengths, it is also very possible that your child may be unable to reach their full potential in the classroom. Remedial Therapy is recommended to children who suffer from certain learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, ADD or perhaps even just need a little extra help and attention. Remedial Therapy has often come to be associated with children that are disruptive, difficult or lazy. It should be noted, howev
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Safety tips for CrossFit beginners
Make sure you warm up and cool down sufficiently as part of your workout session.
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Gut Health and Immunity: How Gastroenterologists Help You Strengthen Your Digestive System
Just like a well-built home needs a strong foundation, your body needs a healthy gut to function properly.
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Anusara Yoga: a branch of yoga for the spiritually inclined
Anusara yoga was founded by John Friend in the 1990s and can be classified as a branch of yoga based on Tantric philosophy, which focuses on alignment and order in one’s life. Anusara yoga emphasises the experience of joy through practising yoga and celebrates ‘the Universal Principle of Alignment’, which refers to a belief in the importance of balance and harmony in life. ‘Anusara’ means ‘to follow one’s heart’ and the practice of Anusara yoga is often referred to as ‘yoga of the heart’.
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