Coming up vegan
Vegan options are seen more and more on everyday menus and new vegan restaurants have opened their doors throughout the city. Defining a vegan diet would be as follows: A type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, dairy products, eggs and honey, but includes a wide variety of plant foods. Reasons for ‘going vegan’ include avoiding the killing and suffering of animals, and the killing of wildlife for profits.
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Dance as therapy: Movement and music as a source of healing
Dance therapy is a highly beneficial way to work through emotional and physical challenges. Read on to find out how dance therapy can help you:
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History has seen eyebrows galore. Styles have ranged from sparse and barely there to being penciled on to shape the face. Today we can clearly see a focus on bold, prominent, shaped eyebrows that some are born with and others can only hope to attain. Microblading aims to do just that.
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An introduction to the Bowen technique
The Bowen technique is named after Thomas Ambrose Bowen and is an alternative form of physical therapy that was developed in the 1970s. The technique has acquired a variety of alternative names, such as Fascial Kinetics, Integrated Bowen Therapy, or Smart Bowen.
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How can Chakra Healing impact your life?
Chakras are simply defined as a central hub of energy within the body. The word ‘chakra’ originates from the language of Sanskrit and means ‘wheel’, which refers to the chakra’s function as a spinning vortex of various interacting energies, neurological systems, and physiological systems.
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): A solution to psychological problems
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, otherwise known as CBT therapy, is a type of talking therapy that has gained worldwide repute and has been proven successful in many clinical trials. CBT is used to treat patients with a variety of mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, and is a suitable tool for patients of all ages.
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Makeup and Skin Health: How to Choose Products That Benefit Your Skin
Makeup can be a game-changer for your appearance, but choosing the right products can also support your skin's health. Learn how to pick makeup that matches your skin type, includes nourishing ingredients, and avoids harmful chemicals for a healthier, glowing complexion.
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The Power of Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing, rooted in centuries-old traditions, offers a profound pathway to holistic wellness
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When to Consider Taking Your Child to a Chiropractor: Signs and Symptoms
Remember, every child is unique, and what works for one may not be the best option for another
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Bikram Yoga for beginners
The discipline of Bikram yoga was pioneered in the early 1970s by Indian yoga guru Bikram Choudhury. Bikram Yoga is an intense, heated and action-packed discipline under the broad umbrella of various yoga styles. Each class is composed of a set sequence of 96 postures and two breathing exercises. All Bikram classes are taught by certified Bikram instructors who have completed a nine-week training programme developed by Bikram Choudhury.
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Moksha Reiki
A year ago if someone told me I would be a reiki practitioner, I would have said they lost their mind. I had heard about it but had no interest in it.
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Castor Oil: A Natural Healing Product in South African Alternative Medicine
In South Africa's rich tapestry of traditional healing practices, castor oil stands as a revered natural remedy, cherished by naturopaths, homeopaths, and herbalists alike
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Group Fitness Training
Group Fitness Trainers Working out alone is difficult for a lot of people, especially if you are choosing to work out in the gym. The gym can be a little intimidating, not knowing how to use the machines or what exercises you should be doing to reach your goals – this is where a fitness trainer comes in. however, a personal trainer is not always the best option for some people who would prefer not to have one on one sessions and also for people who would like to work out with others and minimize the cost of a trainer. If you are considering ta
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Making your meditation practice sustainable.
The practice of meditation is very simple, but it does not always come easily, especially in the beginning.
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The price of perfectionism
What does being a perfectionist mean? Simply, it means that there is absolutely no room for failure. Anything achieved by the perfectionist must be completely perfect and devoid of all errors. These expectations are self-imposed and are often unrealistic.
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What is Bodyworks Muscle Testing? Understanding the Basics and Benefits
Bodyworks Muscle Testing is a holistic tool for identifying imbalances through muscle responses. Learn how it supports physical, emotional, and preventative health, and why it’s gaining popularity as a non-invasive, personalized approach to wellness.
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Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage, also known as prenatal massage, involves therapeutic techniques specifically adapted to the needs of pregnant women.
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