An introduction to core energetics
Core energetics was developed by John Pierrakos in the early 1970s and is a practice that combines spiritual development with body psychology. Core energetics focuses on how, as adults, we are prone to reinstating childhood defence mechanisms and negative habits that block positive energy channels throughout the body, which causes a disempowered approach to life.
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Power Pilates
Power Pilates If you are after a workout that places a large amount of focus on your core and an even larger amount of focus on sweating, then Power Pilates may be the one you’ve been looking for. Power Pilates is an exercise that used a series of controlled movements that strengthen, tone and lengthen your muscles. There is also a focus on improving both flexibility and endurance. This form of exercise has been designed to mold the body in a certain way – it conditions the body to be toned, lengthened and slim as opposed to other exercise f
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Coming up vegan
Vegan options are seen more and more on everyday menus and new vegan restaurants have opened their doors throughout the city. Defining a vegan diet would be as follows: A type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, dairy products, eggs and honey, but includes a wide variety of plant foods. Reasons for ‘going vegan’ include avoiding the killing and suffering of animals, and the killing of wildlife for profits.
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A Podiatrist is a medical professional who specialises in the treatment and diagnosing of conditions of the foot, ankle and leg area. A podiatrist can also fall under being named a podiatric physical or surgeon. Podiatrist undergo years of tertiary education and residency before they are allowed to practice – making them the most qualified people to deal with issue of the feet.
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Top tips for choosing the perfect diet clinic
For many people, no matter their gender or age, losing weight can be a considerable struggle that is often unpleasant and fill with setbacks. Seeking professional help from a weight loss clinic can make your weight loss goals easier to achieve in a safe manner and reasonable time frame. Read on to find out what factors you should consider if you need to lose weight and are considering teaming up with a weight loss clinic to help you succeed:
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Maternity Hospitals
Maternity hospitals are healthcare facilities specifically designed to provide comprehensive care for pregnant women
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Social Workers
Social Workers A Social Worker is somebody who has to deal with the difficulties of peoples circumstances on a daily basis. They are often the connection between an individual, family or patient and an institution such as the government. Social Workers are trained to assist families or individuals cope with certain issues or circumstances. A Social Worker plays many roles. They are required to train people to cope with their day to day lives in order to have a better standard of living, as well as liaising between patients and healthcare profe
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Everything you need to know about barre classes
Barre-based classes are an increasingly popular form of exercise that originate from ballet. These classes are structured around a long horizontal barre positioned in front of a mirror. The barre is used to perform various poses and exercises on and the mirror allows one to check one’s posture, position and movements.
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CrossFit You either love it or you hate it, or you just really hate the people who love it. Either way, CrossFit is a fitness revolution that has taken the world by storm. CrossFit is arguably one of the most challenging fitness choices and should not be taken lightly. CrossFit can be defined as a fitness regime that knows no specialization – meaning that the workout aims to create proficiency at a variety of different skills. The workout itself is based around performing a wide variety of different strengthening workouts that target differe
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Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on the interrelationship between the body's structure, function, and self-healing capacity, emphasizing manual techniques to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal and other health conditions.
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Biochemical Therapy
Biochemical Therapy The human body holds twelve different mineral salts – the very same salts that we find in the earth and soils around us. If these 12 mineral salts are properly functioning in our body, our nutrients will be properly absorbed and utilized within our body. If these mineral salts cease to function, we find that our bodies become susceptible to disease. Biochemical therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on restoring these mineral salts to the body in order to increase physical performance, alleviate disease and perhaps even
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Audiologists: a solution for hearing and balance problems
Audiologists treat hearing and balance issues and all disorders related to these bodily functions. Audiologists treat people with hearing loss and also make use of preventative treatment to reduce the risk of further hearing damage.
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A beginner’s guide to the art of Chiropractic
Chiropractic is an alternative form of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis of disorders in areas of the musculoskeletal system, such as the spine. One of the central techniques in Chiropractic is spinal manipulation therapy (SMT), which can be described as a form of manual therapy of the joints and areas of soft tissue.
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Nanoneedling-Infusion instantly allows up to 1000% more absorption of skin care products
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The mystical practices of crystal healing as a form of alternative medicine
Crystal healing is a non-scientific and alternative healing practice that makes use of specific stones and crystals to promote wellbeing in clients. Despite there being a lack of scientific evidence for the healing power of crystals, adherents to crystal healing believe that different crystals have qualities that can bring about both mental and physical health and relief for clients engaging in a crystal healing session.
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Mobility Personal Training
There are so many people who partake in personal training in order to look better. This is something that you can get away with when you are young, energetic and mobile but it will have negative effects when your body starts to age. Mobility is a vital component of exercise, and is something that deserves just as much focus and attention as weight training or muscle building. What is Mobility?
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Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage. During the course of your pregnancy, it is inevitable that you will be bombarded with numerous words of advice. Whether it comes from your mother, your great aunt or a stranger on the street, the constant grappling with new information can be overwhelming and stressful. It is important that you cope with your pregnancy t
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