The top 5 benefits of boxing
Boxing is a high-energy form of fitness that can be an extremely effective toning and strengthening device. This form of exercise comes with multiple benefits for both the body and mind, read on to find out why you should consider taking it up:
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Online Personal Trainer
Effective online trainers find ways to keep clients motivated and accountable.
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How Career Counsellors Help Improve Mental Health in the Workplace
Career counsellors support mental health by offering stress management, career change guidance, and work-life balance strategies. Their expertise empowers employees to thrive professionally and personally, leading to increased satisfaction and productivity.
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): A solution to psychological problems
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, otherwise known as CBT therapy, is a type of talking therapy that has gained worldwide repute and has been proven successful in many clinical trials. CBT is used to treat patients with a variety of mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, and is a suitable tool for patients of all ages.
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What causes hair loss?
There is no simple solution to hair loss and it is a complicated symptom that stems from a complex array of possible causes. Hair loss can be triggered by psychological or physical stress and can be an indicator of dysfunction in the body, or simply bad luck in the genetic lottery. Read on to find out the common most causes of hair loss:
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An introduction to core energetics
Core energetics was developed by John Pierrakos in the early 1970s and is a practice that combines spiritual development with body psychology. Core energetics focuses on how, as adults, we are prone to reinstating childhood defence mechanisms and negative habits that block positive energy channels throughout the body, which causes a disempowered approach to life.
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A beginner’s guide to the benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture has a considerable history of development as a Chinese medicinal practice that evolved over 2 500 years ago.
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Anusara Yoga: a branch of yoga for the spiritually inclined
Anusara yoga was founded by John Friend in the 1990s and can be classified as a branch of yoga based on Tantric philosophy, which focuses on alignment and order in one’s life. Anusara yoga emphasises the experience of joy through practising yoga and celebrates ‘the Universal Principle of Alignment’, which refers to a belief in the importance of balance and harmony in life. ‘Anusara’ means ‘to follow one’s heart’ and the practice of Anusara yoga is often referred to as ‘yoga of the heart’.
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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
There are many methods that have been explored when it comes to altering the behavioural patterns of the brain and mind. NLP is a practice that revolves around doing exactly that.
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Animal therapy: how animals can help you heal
For many people the world over, animals are a source of immense comfort and peace. It’s no surprise that furry friends, and sometimes those with feathers and scales, have become a permanent feature in the world of psychology and therapy. Therapy animals could be the alternative approach to mental, emotional and even physical healing that you need, so read on to find out more about therapy animals and how they can impact your life for the better.
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Moksha Reiki
A year ago if someone told me I would be a reiki practitioner, I would have said they lost their mind. I had heard about it but had no interest in it.
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Nanoneedling-Infusion instantly allows up to 1000% more absorption of skin care products
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The benefits and basics of Classical Pilates
Classical Pilates is strictly defined as a form of exercise that incorporates techniques from the originator of Pilates himself, Joseph Pilates. In classical Pilates, only those movements designed by Joseph Pilates are included in the workout session. Non-classical Pilates often incorporates movements and exercises from other physical therapy disciplines, such as yoga.
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Weight Loss
Weight Loss. Those two words alone seem excruciatingly daunting. Those two words mean a change in lifestyle, mind set and eating habits – things that we have become complacent in and regard as our comfort zone. Weight loss is often a difficult and long journey that can often have low self-esteem and guilt as consequences. Pursuing weight loss is something that needs to be done correctly in order for the benefits to be long lasting and healthy. A professional can guide you in changing your life for the better, and those professionals can be foun
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Safety tips for beginners in bodybuilding
Bodybuilding is an extreme fitness discipline that pushes those who choose it to the maximum limits of what the human physique can endure. Although bodybuilding can be extremely rewarding, it is also very challenging and can even be dangerous if certain precautions are not taken. Read on to find out how to start your bodybuilding journey safely and successfully:
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3 Steps To Discover The Purpose of Your Life
“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.” - Steve Maraboli
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