Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique The Alexander Technique is a method that was created to ultimately change the way we perform every day activities. The Alexander Technique puts forward the idea that changing the way we feel about thoughtless activities such as walking, sitting or even standing. As children, we had to learn to do these things using concentration and effort. In adulthood, however, we lose that sense of being present in our actions. The Alexander Technique aims to create a presence and an intellectual involvement in all areas of activity.
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A beginner’s introduction to the Alexander Technique
In 1890, Frederick Matthais Alexander pioneered the Alexander Technique after developing a serious case of voice loss that doctors found impossible to diagnose. After exploring several theories, Alexander realized that he himself had been unknowingly damaging his vocal chords while speaking due to the particular ways in which he stood, moved his head, or tensed his body while speaking.
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Body Stress Release
Stress within the body can hold a very large variety of consequences that most of us are unaware of. Unnecessary stress can bring on symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, grinding teeth and tension in the jaw. It also can bring emotional symptoms such as anxiety, aggression, irritability and irrational thinking.
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Couples Counselling as a solution to modern relationship conflicts
Negotiating the often-rocky terrain of intimate relationships can be a source of great joy or pain in a person’s life. As relationships can be so difficult, the journey that couples take together can often benefit from professional advice, insight and guidance.
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Anusara Yoga: a branch of yoga for the spiritually inclined
Anusara yoga was founded by John Friend in the 1990s and can be classified as a branch of yoga based on Tantric philosophy, which focuses on alignment and order in one’s life. Anusara yoga emphasises the experience of joy through practising yoga and celebrates ‘the Universal Principle of Alignment’, which refers to a belief in the importance of balance and harmony in life. ‘Anusara’ means ‘to follow one’s heart’ and the practice of Anusara yoga is often referred to as ‘yoga of the heart’.
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Back pain - Costochondritis - Chiropractor Centurion
The definition of costochondritis is an inflammatory process of 1 or more costochondral cartilages that causes localized tenderness and pain in the anterior chest wall
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Childrens Chiropractor
Child Chiropractic. What many people fail to realise is that most the spinal discomfort or injury that we feel as we get older are repercussions of small injuries that may have occurred when we were children. Back injury can begin as early as childbirth and should be monitored throughout a child’s growth in order to prevent as much injury as possible. A Child Chiropractic is trained to deal specifically with the spines of infants and young children, helping to strengthen and develop their spines whilst they are still young to prevent injury d
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Drugs and Alcohol
Drugs and Alcohol Drug and Alcohol addiction and abuse is something that has become an increasing crisis. Substance abuse is a tragic and detrimental disease that affects families and individuals worldwide. Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction. How do you know if you have a drinking problem? Deep down, you probably already do know. Below are a few things to consider asking yourself if you feel you may be struggling from alcohol dependency. 1) You feel ashamed or guilty about your drinking habits 2) Family members or friends to discuss your drink
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Stott Pilates
Stott Pilates There seems to be a growing theme of creating variations on old exercises, and this is one of them. Stott Pilates is essentially an adapted version of Joseph Pilates exercise routine. The founders of Stott Pilates spent a total of twenty years gathering information from fitness professionals, sports sciences and physiotherapists. The adapted practice takes on a more researched approach, and incorporates a variety of different techniques and exercises that are modern, comprehensive and athletic. The practice places a large focus
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Maternity Hospitals
Maternity hospitals are healthcare facilities specifically designed to provide comprehensive care for pregnant women
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BODIES Personal Training Studio
When you are doing everything right with your training and nutrition and are still not making progress, look back at the “small things “ again!
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How to take care of your cuticles
Your cuticles are the nearly imperceptible layer of skin above the fingernails and toenails. Cuticles vary in length and can be quite long and thick, or thin and very close to the skin that surrounds the nail. They are delicate and can be easily bitten away – if you are a nail biter – pushed back too far, or even removed. Here is some insight into how to take care of your cuticles, and why keeping your cuticles healthy is in your best interest:
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Introduction to Meditation
Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts, ultimately leading to a state of heightened awareness, inner peace, and relaxation.
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Exploring Pranic Healing in South Africa
One of the key factors driving the popularity of Pranic Healing in South Africa is its accessibility and inclusivity.
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Christian Counselling
Christian Counseling There is a time in every person’s life where they need the guidance and the support of a professional, experienced ear. Counselors can make a massive difference in peoples lives, and should not be viewed as an option that is shameful or wea
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What is a Facial Peel? Understanding the Basics and Benefits
How facial peels can help with fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots for a more youthful appearance
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Top tips for choosing the perfect diet clinic
For many people, no matter their gender or age, losing weight can be a considerable struggle that is often unpleasant and fill with setbacks. Seeking professional help from a weight loss clinic can make your weight loss goals easier to achieve in a safe manner and reasonable time frame. Read on to find out what factors you should consider if you need to lose weight and are considering teaming up with a weight loss clinic to help you succeed:
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