Endocrinologist An Endocrinologist is somebody who is medidentify that there is a problem with the patient’s glands. Our glands are responsible for releasing a variety of hormones in our body. A problem with the glands will often lead to a hormonal imbalance, which will be diagnosed and treated by an Endocrinologist. W - Thyroid Disease
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Orthodontists are the people that we often tend to fear – they are one step scarier than a visit to the dentist. However, these medical professionals are vital when it comes to sorting out our teeth and mouths. Orthodontists are often the handiwork behind most of the beautiful smiles we see around us. An Orthodontist is trained to correct teeth alignment and to guide facial development.
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Promoting Healthy Aging: Innovative Wellness Programs in Old Age Homes
innovative wellness programs in old age homes play a vital role in promoting healthy aging and enhancing the quality of life
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Allergologists: a solution for your allergy ailments
Allergies are debilitating ailments that are notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat. Finding a professional and reliable allergologist is, therefore, vital to ensure your allergy does not impact your quality of life. Read on to find out what to look for when searching for a long-term, high quality allergologist to help you deal with your allergy:
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Managing Chronic Conditions with Biokinetics: A Natural Approach to Long-Term Health
If you’re ready to explore biokinetics, reach out to a professional near you.
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If you're feeling out of kilter, don't know why or what about, let your feet reveal the answer, find the sore spot, work it out. EUNICE INGHAM, physical therapist
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An introduction to the intricacies of Chinese Massage
Traditional Chinese medicine has over 2 500 years of history that has included the development of acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies and more. In greater China, Chinese medicine continues to be the standard system of medicine and has also spread its influence to Western regions of the world where it is embraced as a form of alternative medicine.
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What Does it take to become a Chiropractor
Many people ask me what it takes to become a Chiropractor. How many years of studying? Where do you study? Do you have to study something else before? These kinds of questions I get asked a lot, and it's not dumb questions at all.
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Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing Although it may seem like a foreign concept to some, Shamanic Healing is actually a spiritual practice that has co-exited amongst multiple religions. From Buddhism to Christianity, Shamanic Healing has been practiced in one way or another. Shamanism does not identify with one religion or ideology, but is rather a healing practice that is rooted in the common belief that we are all connected to the divine in all things. What is a Shaman? A Shaman is somebody who dedicates their life to altering their consciousness in order to
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Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage. During the course of your pregnancy, it is inevitable that you will be bombarded with numerous words of advice. Whether it comes from your mother, your great aunt or a stranger on the street, the constant grappling with new information can be overwhelming and stressful. It is important that you cope with your pregnancy t
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Biggest beauty trends of 2018
Every new year brings with it a fresh take on beauty and trends in fashion. 2018 is defined by daring developments in body hair, new clothing styles, politically progressive makeup trends, and more. Read on to find out what’s hot in 2018.
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Is life passing you by?
Is life passing you by while you wait for the 'perfect' time to realize your dreams, goals or desires? For example, some may put off their dreams until ‘the kids are in school’, or ‘the kids are out the house’. However, it is important to realise that there will never be a perfect time and the moment is right now! By waiting for the so-called ‘perfect time’, we are in fact postponing our own happiness in life.
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Mobility Personal Training
There are so many people who partake in personal training in order to look better. This is something that you can get away with when you are young, energetic and mobile but it will have negative effects when your body starts to age. Mobility is a vital component of exercise, and is something that deserves just as much focus and attention as weight training or muscle building. What is Mobility?
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Acupressure: A pain-relieving practice from the East
When people think of Eastern Medicinal practices, the ancient technique of acupuncture often springs to mind. Fewer people are aware of an equally effective and authentic Eastern method called Acupressure, which is similar to Acupuncture but differs in a few key respects.
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How to find the perfect boxing trainer
If you are motivated to learn boxing or wish to improve the boxing skills you have already developed, then finding the right boxing trainer is vital to your success. Read on to find out what to look for when searching for the perfect partner in your boxing journey:
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Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage, also known as prenatal massage, involves therapeutic techniques specifically adapted to the needs of pregnant women.
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