Managing Chronic Conditions with Biokinetics: A Natural Approach to Long-Term Health
If you’re ready to explore biokinetics, reach out to a professional near you.
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Art Therapy
A lot of people do not know what Art Therapy is, in short, it is a type of expressive therapy that uses people's creative processes of making art to improve their mental and emotional well-being.
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Health Food Shops
Shopping from Health Food Shops is a sure way to know that your food has been grown and made in the most natural and beneficial way possible. It is a good choice to consider for your body, your health, and the environmen
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An introduction to biokinetics
Biokinetics is an increasingly important aspect of healthcare for many patients who suffer from the repercussions of an unhealthy lifestyle. Too little exercise, poor diet and a high-stress lifestyle have made biokinetics all the more important for those who need help improving their physical condition.
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Kids Personal Trainer
Remember, it's crucial to foster a positive attitude toward exercise and a healthy lifestyle in children. If your child enjoys the experience, they're more likely to develop a lifelong love for physical activity.
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Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy The name itself sounds daunting enough, but Craniosacral Therapy is a form of therapy that is non-invasive, gentle and aims to restore vitality and balance to the mind and body. Craniosacral Therapy is based around the idea of healing the body and mind through light touch, gently manipulating the body to hear itself in a way that it usually does not. The light touch of a Craniosacral Therapist will cause your body to react by starting to listen to itself and what is truly going on through out your body and mind. Often th
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Cupping Therapy
Everyone noticed the spots on all the swimmers in the Olympics a few years ago
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The Rise of Men's Grooming in South Africa: Trends and Evolution
The rise of men's grooming in South Africa reflects a broader societal shift towards self-care and personal grooming among men
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What to expect during a Hot Stone massage
Hot stone massage is a massage tradition that centres on the use of several smooth, heated stones in the massage technique. During the session, the therapist places the heated stones on specific regions of the body while giving a massage. Basalt river rocks are often used for these massages because they are naturally smooth and are known to retain heat effectively. In essence, the heated stones provide localised heat and weight to purposefully chosen regions of the body.
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How to Choose the Right Health Course for Your Goals and Interests
Discover how to find the ideal health course for your career, personal growth, or passion. Explore tips on defining goals, researching providers, and evaluating costs, ensuring you choose a program that aligns with your unique needs in health and wellness.
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My decision was immediate; I would learn everything I could about the causes, symptoms, and prognosis of stroke, and use this knowledge to help others in the same position.
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“Know thyself”, we are told, but how?
Do you have clarity in how you go about things, in your daily tasks, your movements, your thinking? Or are you like most people at the mercy of your reactions, a prisoner of your habits. These can be habits of thought, of posture, and of personality. They are more honestly called your idiosyncrasies or eccentricities. And not all of them are endearing or helpful. You may like to think that this is what makes you you, but these habits get in your way of being fully true to yourself.
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Myths vs. Facts: What Genetic DNA Testing Can Really Tell You About Your Health and Beauty
DNA testing isn’t a magical solution—it’s a guide that can help you understand some of the tendencies you may have inherited, but it’s not a guarantee of specific results.
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Makeup and Skin Health: How to Choose Products That Benefit Your Skin
Makeup can be a game-changer for your appearance, but choosing the right products can also support your skin's health. Learn how to pick makeup that matches your skin type, includes nourishing ingredients, and avoids harmful chemicals for a healthier, glowing complexion.
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Hawaiian Massage
The physical benefits of this massage are the same as other types of massage in terms of relaxing muscles, promoting circulation and releasing blocked energy. The difference lies in the Hawaiian traditions woven into the massage, including the belief that "loving hands" help you release not only physical tension but also mental, emotional and spiritual blockages.
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Naturopathy Every day we are reminded about the harmful things we exposed to; hormones in our food, toxins in the air and damaging chemicals in our medicine. Naturopathy is an alternative practice that fights against all these unnatural toxins and chemicals and focuses on healing the body in a way that is non-damaging and essentially only based on natural and organic methods. A Naturopath treats the body as a spiritual being as well as a physical being, placing a large amount of focus on lifestyle change, diet and exercise. Naturopaths also wo
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