What is Buteyko, where did it originate and who do you go to for this type of therapy?
While the Buteyko Method may offer potential benefits for some individuals, it's important to approach it as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments
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What is a peptic ulcer and how can treat it?
A peptic ulcer is an extremely painful experience that can trigger multiple other unpleasant symptoms, such as longterm stomach pain, bloating or gas, an intolerance to fatty food, nausea and heartburn. Read on to find out how natural remedies can provide a solution:
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Life Coaches
Life coaches are professionals who work with individuals to help them clarify goals, overcome obstacles, and create positive changes in various areas of their lives.
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Top tips for naturally beautiful nails
There’s nothing classier than clean, healthy nails. How can you keep yours in tip-top shape? Follow these simple guidelines to find out, and start your nail care regime today:
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An Obstetrician is a medical professional who deals with pregnancy, childbirth and the female reproductive system. An Obstetrician is able to guide you through your pregnancy, right to the very end
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How Custom Orthotics and Prosthetics Improve Mobility and Quality of Life
Custom orthotics and prosthetics help individuals regain independence, reduce pain, and improve mobility. Designed by skilled Orthotist Prosthetists, these medical solutions enhance comfort, prevent further health issues, and encourage an active lifestyle. Find out how they can transform lives!
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The perfect ‘me-time’: How to detox through breathing exercises
The time-honoured tradition of using breathing exercises to meditate originates from ancient times and continues to be relied on by many people today. In the intense pace of 21st-century life, genuine calm and relaxation are often difficult to access. Read on to find out how you can harness the power of breath to free yourself from physical and mental distress.
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Types of nail fungi and how to spot them
Your hands and feet are integral to living everyday life and are a part of almost every activity that takes you from morning to night. Fungal infections are understandably a huge hindrance and can be both painful and unsightly. Here is a simple guide to the four main types of nail fungi to be aware of, as well as some tips on how to spot them, so that you can seek treatment immediately:
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Trigger Point Therapy for Stress Relief: How It Can Help You Relax
By releasing tension in the muscles, improving circulation, and enhancing body awareness, this therapy can help break the cycle of stress and discomfort that many of us experience.
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What is contemporary dance, where did it originate and where can you attend classes in South Africa?
It is characterised by its fluidity, versatility, and expression of emotions and ideas through movement
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Non-Surgical Face Lifts for Every Age: Tailoring Treatments to Your Skin's Needs
From prevention in your 30s to rejuvenation in your 50s, non-surgical face lifts offer tailored, safe, and effective treatments to help you achieve healthy, youthful skin. Explore age-specific solutions for lifting, tightening, and revitalizing your natural beauty."
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Dietitians and Nutritionists how they can work hand in hand
Dietitian's and nutritionists are both professionals who specialise in food and nutrition, but they have distinct roles and responsibilities
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Chronically stressed individuals are 3 times more likely to suffer from frequent colds.
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When to See an Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Specialist: Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
Experiencing persistent ear, nose, or throat issues? From chronic infections to breathing difficulties, certain symptoms shouldn't be ignored. Learn when to seek help from an ENT specialist and how timely treatment can improve your health.
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Healthy habits to help those with depression
Medication and therapy sessions with a psychologist or counsellor are important factors in a person’s recovery from depression, but developing healthy daily habits should be given just as much consideration in one’s mental health plan. Healthy habits, such as practising a balanced diet, exercising regularly, nurturing relationships and hobbies and practising stress management techniques, can all drastically improve a person’s mental health.
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Blood Test Analysis and Its Impact on Weight Management
Blood test analysis offers personalised insights into your body's hormonal balance, nutrient levels, and metabolism, helping you optimize your weight management strategy. Discover how it can make your diet plan more effective and sustainable.
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Unveiling the Role of Psychodynamic Psychotherapists
Ultimately, the goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy is not just symptom relief but holistic personal growth and fulfillment.
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