Colour therapy: Its methods and benefits
Colour therapy, otherwise known as Chromotherapy, is an alternative form of therapy that has evidence of use dating back thousands of years to ancient cultures in China and Egypt.
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What causes hair loss?
There is no simple solution to hair loss and it is a complicated symptom that stems from a complex array of possible causes. Hair loss can be triggered by psychological or physical stress and can be an indicator of dysfunction in the body, or simply bad luck in the genetic lottery. Read on to find out the common most causes of hair loss:
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Mobility Personal Training
There are so many people who partake in personal training in order to look better. This is something that you can get away with when you are young, energetic and mobile but it will have negative effects when your body starts to age. Mobility is a vital component of exercise, and is something that deserves just as much focus and attention as weight training or muscle building. What is Mobility?
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As forms of healing that are alternative to Western Medicine are becoming more recognized and practiced, the medicine world has seen the growth of Aromatherapy as a way to better physical and psychological health. Aromatherapy is a practice that is based on natural, essential oils that are gathered from various plants, leaves, roots and other parts of the plant to be inhaled. The essential oils can also be absorbed through the skin.
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What Does an Ophthalmologist Do? Understanding Their Role in Eye Health
From diagnosing eye diseases to performing life-changing surgeries, ophthalmologists play a vital role in eye health. Learn when to seek professional eye care in South Africa and how early detection can prevent vision loss.
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Moksha Reiki
A year ago if someone told me I would be a reiki practitioner, I would have said they lost their mind. I had heard about it but had no interest in it.
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Meditation We live in an incredibly fast paced world. Jobs have become overwhelmingly demanding and social pressures have escalated beyond belief. People seem to have forgotten how to simple be. Spending time that is dedicated strictly to yourself and your consciousness has become almost unheard of. This is exactly why meditation is so important, especially in our current society. To meditate is to remove yourself from a distracted state and dedicate time to focus on your breath, body and mind. From an outside perspective, meditation may se
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Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback Therapy Think about the movements you can control – you control if you want to move your arm or if you want to walk. Just as we can control a variety of movements, there are functions in our body that are involuntary and are often not though about. These functions include heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension. Biofeedback Therapy is a form of therapy that teaches patients to have control over these involuntary movements. How Does it Work? Biofeedback Therapy is a drug free practice that focuses on bring awareness to the
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Ashtanga Yoga: Advanced yoga for those who love a challenge
Ashtanga yoga is an advanced discipline of yoga that is known for being highly structured and demanding on its students. This specific discipline of yoga was developed by Sri Pattabi Jois, who established a yoga centre in India and crafted Ashtanga yoga into what it is today.
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How Often Should You Get Dermaplaning Treatments for Maximum Results?
Learn how often you should get dermaplaning treatments for smooth, glowing skin. This guide helps you determine the right schedule for your skin type and goals.
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Your guide to French manicures
French manicures have long been considered the ultimate when it comes to nail fashion. They have a reputation for femininity, class, and elegance. Why not channel French sophistication into your nail look and get yourself a French manicure? Here is our guide for what to expect and how to specify exactly how you would like your French manicure to look:
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Christian Counselling
Christian Counseling There is a time in every person’s life where they need the guidance and the support of a professional, experienced ear. Counselors can make a massive difference in peoples lives, and should not be viewed as an option that is shameful or wea
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The Long-Term Benefits of Laser Hair Removal: Is It Worth the Investment?
Learn the long-term benefits of laser hair removal, including permanent hair reduction, smoother skin, and fewer ingrown hairs. Is it worth the investment? Find out why this treatment saves time and money in the long run.
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Health Supplements
Health Supplements As you read this, I’m sure you don’t need to be told about the chaotic nature of modern living. The modern workforce and general busy nature can out a lot of stress on the way we live and has also made an impact on the nutrients we put into our body. The way people eat today has far less nutritional value than the way people used to eat. This lack of nutrition and minerals has lead us to the option of health supplements, which are extra sources of nutrients for bodies that need an extra boost in the health and wellness depart
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How to choose the right couples counsellor for you and your partner
The relationship that you have built with your significant other is deeply intimate, personal and unique. Therefore, opening up this relationship to others who are there to help is often very difficult and can feel like an invasion of privacy. Despite this, taking the step with your partner to seek professional guidance if your relationship is faltering is certainly a step in the right direction and demonstrates that, as a team, you are serious about re-establishing the harmony you have lost.
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Chiropractors are healthcare professionals who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those affecting the spine and nervous system
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