What is the Alexander Technique? A Comprehensive Guide to Its Principles and Benefits
Exploring how practicing the Alexander Technique can contribute to stress relief and improved mental health.
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Swimming Coaches
Swimming Coaches As a child I went to a horrendous swimming coach. Horrendous. I was thrown into the pool at the tender age of two and it was, literally speaking, sink or swim. To save any of you from giving your children the same traumatic experience, Health4You can assist you in finding a professional swimming coach in your area. Why should your child attend swimming lessons? The answer not only lies in having an important skill, but it is also incredibly vital for their safety. Having nets covering your pool or a fence surrounding the are
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When to Consider Taking Your Child to a Chiropractor: Signs and Symptoms
Remember, every child is unique, and what works for one may not be the best option for another
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What causes hair loss?
There is no simple solution to hair loss and it is a complicated symptom that stems from a complex array of possible causes. Hair loss can be triggered by psychological or physical stress and can be an indicator of dysfunction in the body, or simply bad luck in the genetic lottery. Read on to find out the common most causes of hair loss:
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Top Anti-Aging Facial Treatments to Add to Your Skincare Routine
Explore top anti-aging facial treatments like microdermabrasion and hyaluronic acid facials to fight wrinkles and improve skin texture.
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What is a medical tattoo?
Medical tattoos are typically placed in easily visible locations on the body, such as the wrist, forearm, or chest
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How to take care of your cuticles
Your cuticles are the nearly imperceptible layer of skin above the fingernails and toenails. Cuticles vary in length and can be quite long and thick, or thin and very close to the skin that surrounds the nail. They are delicate and can be easily bitten away – if you are a nail biter – pushed back too far, or even removed. Here is some insight into how to take care of your cuticles, and why keeping your cuticles healthy is in your best interest:
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The pros and cons of eyelash extensions
Eyelash extensions can provide a fuller, longer, and more voluminous look to natural lashes
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Applied Kinesiology: An alternative solution path to health
Kinesiology is also known as the practice of biomechanics and focuses on the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology branches off this foundation and emphasises the importance of muscle strength monitoring where diagnosis and treatment is based on the theory that muscles have important links to other body parts, such as organs and tissues.
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Aesthetic Physicians
Aesthetic Physicians An Aesthetic Physician is somebody who specializes in procedures that are based around cosmetic desires. A patient seeking an Aesthetic Physician is one that wishes to have something removed from their body for aesthetic reasons as opposed to medical reasons. These issues may include scars, moles, and signs of ageing, cellulite, body fat or even body hair. Aesthetic Medicine can include dermatology, reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery but can also include a variety of non-invasive procedures such as chemical peels
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Bikram Yoga for beginners
The discipline of Bikram yoga was pioneered in the early 1970s by Indian yoga guru Bikram Choudhury. Bikram Yoga is an intense, heated and action-packed discipline under the broad umbrella of various yoga styles. Each class is composed of a set sequence of 96 postures and two breathing exercises. All Bikram classes are taught by certified Bikram instructors who have completed a nine-week training programme developed by Bikram Choudhury.
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From Allergies to Heart Conditions: How Medical Tattoos Can Alert First Responders
Medical tattoos offer life-saving benefits by alerting first responders to critical health issues like allergies, heart conditions, and epilepsy. This article covers how they work, their advantages, and important considerations.
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Choosing the Right Aesthetic Physician: Credentials, Experience, and Red Flags
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
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Telemedicine and the Future of General Practice: What Patients Need to Know
Telemedicine is changing how South Africans access General Practitioners, offering convenience, cost savings, and better healthcare accessibility. Learn how virtual consultations, AI, and smart technology are shaping the future of general practice while improving patient care and efficiency.
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“Know thyself”, we are told, but how?
Do you have clarity in how you go about things, in your daily tasks, your movements, your thinking? Or are you like most people at the mercy of your reactions, a prisoner of your habits. These can be habits of thought, of posture, and of personality. They are more honestly called your idiosyncrasies or eccentricities. And not all of them are endearing or helpful. You may like to think that this is what makes you you, but these habits get in your way of being fully true to yourself.
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Cupping Therapy
Everyone noticed the spots on all the swimmers in the Olympics a few years ago
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