What Is Lymphatic Drainage Massage? The Science Behind Its Health and Beauty Benefits
In a world where we’re constantly exposed to stress and toxins, lymphatic drainage massage offers a gentle, natural way to support your body’s health and beauty.
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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EDMR is a scientifically researched and proven method to treat post-traumatic stress. It is a form of integrative psychotherapy that uses a variety of different techniques and elements from other various treatments.
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The Long-Term Benefits of Laser Hair Removal: Is It Worth the Investment?
Learn the long-term benefits of laser hair removal, including permanent hair reduction, smoother skin, and fewer ingrown hairs. Is it worth the investment? Find out why this treatment saves time and money in the long run.
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Five facts you need to know about Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy is a form of alternative therapy that has its roots in ancient Eastern medicine. During a cupping therapy session, a therapist will create a suction effect on the skin using cups specially designed for cupping therapy. The therapist uses the cups to create a vacuum effect, which pulls the area of the skin that is in contact with the cup into the hollow of the cup.
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Bodytalk: Is this the right therapy for you?
If you are looking for a holistic approach to healing based on the principles of energy flow in the body, then Bodytalk could be perfect for you. According to Bodytalk therapy, the human body is a delicately balanced ecosystem of physiological, mental, biochemical, emotional and physical functions, all of which interact with environmental, genetic, and hereditary influences.
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Life Coaches: How can they help you self-actualise?
In life coaching, the relationship between the coach and the client is designed to help the client tap into their full potential, whatever that may be. Whether you’re looking to improve your personal relationships, parenting skills, career management, financial planning or just trying to achieve a greater sense of purpose, life coaches are there to help you on your journey to self-actualisation.
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What is the Feldenkrais Method? An Introduction to This Innovative Approach to Movement
Whether you’re seeking to improve your athletic performance, reduce discomfort, or simply feel more at ease in your body, the Feldenkrais Method is a valuable tool that can support you every step of the way.
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Types of nail fungi and how to spot them
Your hands and feet are integral to living everyday life and are a part of almost every activity that takes you from morning to night. Fungal infections are understandably a huge hindrance and can be both painful and unsightly. Here is a simple guide to the four main types of nail fungi to be aware of, as well as some tips on how to spot them, so that you can seek treatment immediately:
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The perfect ‘me-time’: How to detox through breathing exercises
The time-honoured tradition of using breathing exercises to meditate originates from ancient times and continues to be relied on by many people today. In the intense pace of 21st-century life, genuine calm and relaxation are often difficult to access. Read on to find out how you can harness the power of breath to free yourself from physical and mental distress.
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Endocrinologist An Endocrinologist is somebody who is medidentify that there is a problem with the patient’s glands. Our glands are responsible for releasing a variety of hormones in our body. A problem with the glands will often lead to a hormonal imbalance, which will be diagnosed and treated by an Endocrinologist. W - Thyroid Disease
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Hawaiian Massage
The physical benefits of this massage are the same as other types of massage in terms of relaxing muscles, promoting circulation and releasing blocked energy. The difference lies in the Hawaiian traditions woven into the massage, including the belief that "loving hands" help you release not only physical tension but also mental, emotional and spiritual blockages.
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The Science Behind Contemporary Pilates: How It Enhances Strength, Flexibility, and Balance
Contemporary Pilates improves strength, flexibility, and balance by focusing on core muscles, posture, and mindful movement. It enhances endurance, reduces injury risks, and fosters a strong mind-body connection, benefiting both physical and mental health.
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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
There are many methods that have been explored when it comes to altering the behavioural patterns of the brain and mind. NLP is a practice that revolves around doing exactly that.
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Introduction to Meditation
Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts, ultimately leading to a state of heightened awareness, inner peace, and relaxation.
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Hip-Hop dancing is a style of dance that has evolved over decades - and it isn't stopping. The dance style has become renowned all around the world and is celebrated by people everywhere. Beginning in the 1960's in New York City, the dance style was available to those who had natural rhythm and talent but no professional dance training. It is a dance style that started on the streets and not in a studio.
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Mobility Personal Training
There are so many people who partake in personal training in order to look better. This is something that you can get away with when you are young, energetic and mobile but it will have negative effects when your body starts to age. Mobility is a vital component of exercise, and is something that deserves just as much focus and attention as weight training or muscle building. What is Mobility?
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Remedial Therapy
Remedial Therapists Although learning techniques are becoming more flexible and inclusive of children from different learning strengths, it is also very possible that your child may be unable to reach their full potential in the classroom. Remedial Therapy is recommended to children who suffer from certain learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, ADD or perhaps even just need a little extra help and attention. Remedial Therapy has often come to be associated with children that are disruptive, difficult or lazy. It should be noted, howev
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