Cupping Therapy
Everyone noticed the spots on all the swimmers in the Olympics a few years ago
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Dealing With Change
Life is constantly changing. Our circumstances change, we grow older, our children grow up, our jobs change, we move to different places and even the people we spend time with change. How do you feel about change? Does it scare or excite you? Does it make you feel stressed and anxious or do you look forward to the prospect of change?
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Life Coaches
Life coaches are professionals who work with individuals to help them clarify goals, overcome obstacles, and create positive changes in various areas of their lives.
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Top tips for naturally beautiful nails
There’s nothing classier than clean, healthy nails. How can you keep yours in tip-top shape? Follow these simple guidelines to find out, and start your nail care regime today:
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Meditation We live in an incredibly fast paced world. Jobs have become overwhelmingly demanding and social pressures have escalated beyond belief. People seem to have forgotten how to simple be. Spending time that is dedicated strictly to yourself and your consciousness has become almost unheard of. This is exactly why meditation is so important, especially in our current society. To meditate is to remove yourself from a distracted state and dedicate time to focus on your breath, body and mind. From an outside perspective, meditation may se
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Colour Therapy
Colour Therapy Like most forms of energy healing, Colour Therapy focuses on the healing, cleansing and balancing of the seven chakras. There is research to show that Colour Therapy can be traced back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese and Indian cultures. So, how does colour relate to energy? Colour is energy. Colour is light that is created through varying wavelengths, giving each colour in the chakra spectrum its own individual energy. The colour spectrum involves seven colours – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. All of these
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The Power of Shamanic Healing
Shamanic healing, rooted in centuries-old traditions, offers a profound pathway to holistic wellness
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): A solution to psychological problems
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, otherwise known as CBT therapy, is a type of talking therapy that has gained worldwide repute and has been proven successful in many clinical trials. CBT is used to treat patients with a variety of mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, and is a suitable tool for patients of all ages.
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What causes hair loss?
There is no simple solution to hair loss and it is a complicated symptom that stems from a complex array of possible causes. Hair loss can be triggered by psychological or physical stress and can be an indicator of dysfunction in the body, or simply bad luck in the genetic lottery. Read on to find out the common most causes of hair loss:
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An introduction to biokinetics
Biokinetics is an increasingly important aspect of healthcare for many patients who suffer from the repercussions of an unhealthy lifestyle. Too little exercise, poor diet and a high-stress lifestyle have made biokinetics all the more important for those who need help improving their physical condition.
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Exfoliating in Sunny Climates: Precautions and Best Practices
Focusing on the role of exfoliation in maintaining smooth, youthful skin as we age
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – the name itself sounds lets us know that this form of therapy is not for the faint of heart. Turning to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy will require you, as a patient, to look within yourself and around yourself in ways that are challenging but also exponentially rewarding. ACT developed as a consequence of psychologists and researches wanting to create a type of therapy that would essentially act as a long-term recovery for those suffering from mental health issues. Alt
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Exploring the Transformative Power of Thought Field Therapy
TFT is known for its versatility and effectiveness in addressing both acute and chronic emotional issues.
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Remedial Therapy
Remedial Therapists Although learning techniques are becoming more flexible and inclusive of children from different learning strengths, it is also very possible that your child may be unable to reach their full potential in the classroom. Remedial Therapy is recommended to children who suffer from certain learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, ADD or perhaps even just need a little extra help and attention. Remedial Therapy has often come to be associated with children that are disruptive, difficult or lazy. It should be noted, howev
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Navigating Frail Care Centres: Providing Compassionate Support for the Elderly in South Africa
Frail care centres provide round-the-clock care and supervision to ensure that residents' needs are met at all times.
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Maternity Hospitals in South Africa, what are the benefits of going to private birthing clinics as opposed to maternity hospitals?
While private maternity clinics also provide high-quality maternity care, the focus and philosophy of care may differ
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Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic massage technique that focuses on reaching deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue to relieve chronic tension, pain, and stiffness
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