Muscles causing mid back pain - Trapezius - Dr Gert Ferreira - Chiropractor in Centurion
The first installment of the blog series of the muscles causing mid back pain is Trapezius muscle. This muscle is one of the most treated muscles in my chiropractic practice. Questions like, 'Can a Chiropractor treat this muscle?' these will all be answered in this blog.
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Dermatologist A Dermatologist is somebody who has been trained to study, research, treat and diagnose skin conditions. A Dermatologist is a Medical Doctor and must have a general medical degree, which takes 3 – 4 years as well as a further specialized qualification which focuses on skin and dermatology for another 3-4 years. It goes without saying that a Dermatologist is more than qualified when it comes to treating any issues you may have with your skin. A Dermatologist will manage any issues with the skin through either topical or systematic
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Top Anti-Aging Facial Treatments to Add to Your Skincare Routine
Explore top anti-aging facial treatments like microdermabrasion and hyaluronic acid facials to fight wrinkles and improve skin texture.
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Breaking Down the Types of Acne Scars: How to Choose the Right Treatment
Struggling with acne scars? Discover the types of scars—ice pick, boxcar, rolling, and more—and the best treatments for each. From chemical peels to microneedling, find the solutions that help you achieve smooth, radiant skin and renewed confidence.
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Five things you need to know about flu
Flu can be a severe and possibly life-threatening disease, especially for high-risk people. The category of 'high-risk' includes those who are:
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Dealing With Change
Life is constantly changing. Our circumstances change, we grow older, our children grow up, our jobs change, we move to different places and even the people we spend time with change. How do you feel about change? Does it scare or excite you? Does it make you feel stressed and anxious or do you look forward to the prospect of change?
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Life Coaches
Life coaches are professionals who work with individuals to help them clarify goals, overcome obstacles, and create positive changes in various areas of their lives.
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Kids Personal Trainers
Kids personal trainers are fitness professionals who specialize in creating exercise programs tailored to children's specific needs and goals.
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Body Building
Bodybuilding Most of us may believe that we have an understanding of bodybuilding – a parade of men and women with muscles beyond our wildest dreams. Regardless of your opinions on body building, it cannot be denied that the men and women who do it have dedicated their lives to reaching very specific goals. A bodybuilder is not just somebody who trains in the gym and has a muscular physique – a bodybuilder is somebody who competes in bodybuilding competitions. Bodybuilding is an exercise technique that is purely based on intense resistance th
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How can Thai massage improve your lifestyle?
Thai massage combines a variety of disciplines to make for a uniquely relaxing and restorative massage experience. Thai massage combines traditional healing techniques that include acupuncture, assisted yoga postures, reflexology, and more. In contrast to many other types of traditional massage, Thai massage does not involve the use of oils or lotions to lubricate the body or reduce friction.
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Health Food Shops
Shopping from Health Food Shops is a sure way to know that your food has been grown and made in the most natural and beneficial way possible. It is a good choice to consider for your body, your health, and the environmen
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Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing Although it may seem like a foreign concept to some, Shamanic Healing is actually a spiritual practice that has co-exited amongst multiple religions. From Buddhism to Christianity, Shamanic Healing has been practiced in one way or another. Shamanism does not identify with one religion or ideology, but is rather a healing practice that is rooted in the common belief that we are all connected to the divine in all things. What is a Shaman? A Shaman is somebody who dedicates their life to altering their consciousness in order to
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Applied Kinesiology: An alternative solution path to health
Kinesiology is also known as the practice of biomechanics and focuses on the study of body movement. Applied kinesiology branches off this foundation and emphasises the importance of muscle strength monitoring where diagnosis and treatment is based on the theory that muscles have important links to other body parts, such as organs and tissues.
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Safety tips for beginners in bodybuilding
Bodybuilding is an extreme fitness discipline that pushes those who choose it to the maximum limits of what the human physique can endure. Although bodybuilding can be extremely rewarding, it is also very challenging and can even be dangerous if certain precautions are not taken. Read on to find out how to start your bodybuilding journey safely and successfully:
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Tattooing and Mental Health: How Tattoos Can Improve Your Well-Being
Tattoos can play a significant role in improving mental health by providing emotional healing, empowering individuals, and boosting self-esteem. This article explores how tattoos foster self-expression and confidence, helping individuals reclaim their bodies and process emotions.
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What is Buteyko, where did it originate and who do you go to for this type of therapy?
While the Buteyko Method may offer potential benefits for some individuals, it's important to approach it as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments
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