Radiologists vs. Radiographers: Understanding the Difference in Medical Imaging
Radiologists and Radiographers both work in medical imaging, but their roles differ significantly. Learn how health professionals in South Africa contribute to diagnostics and treatment through X-rays, MRIs, and more.
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Audiologists: a solution for hearing and balance problems
Audiologists treat hearing and balance issues and all disorders related to these bodily functions. Audiologists treat people with hearing loss and also make use of preventative treatment to reduce the risk of further hearing damage.
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Female Gyms
Female Gyms I think that I can speak for a vast majority of woman when I say that going to the gym is hard, and I would argue that it is significantly difficult for woman. Most athletic spaces are not entirely friendly towards woman, and can often become an uncomfortable environment to work out in. Fortunately, the development of all female gyms has created a space for woman to exercise in where they feel safe from being ogled at and sexualized. If you are struggling to find a female gym, all you need to do is go to our homepage to find a wome
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Preventative Health: How a Biokineticist Can Help You Stay Injury-Free
Incorporating biokinetics into your health and fitness routine is one of the best steps you can take to stay injury-free
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Life Coaches: How can they help you self-actualise?
In life coaching, the relationship between the coach and the client is designed to help the client tap into their full potential, whatever that may be. Whether you’re looking to improve your personal relationships, parenting skills, career management, financial planning or just trying to achieve a greater sense of purpose, life coaches are there to help you on your journey to self-actualisation.
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The Role of Buteyko Breathing in Stress Reduction and Mental Clarity
The Buteyko Breathing Technique offers a powerful tool for reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity.
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The Role of an Anaesthesiologist: More Than Just Putting You to Sleep
Anaesthesiologists are more than just sleep doctors—they are guardians of patient safety and comfort, making modern medicine possible.
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Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapy that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, balance qi (pronounced "chee") or vital life force, and promote healing and wellness.
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The Chakras
It is vital to understand that the happiness of our life, is determined by the quality of our thoughts.
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Health tips to help reduce PMS symptoms
Reduce your salt intake: Eating less salt is recommended for people experiencing breast tenderness and bloating. Rather cook your own food instead of eating processed food or takeaways and replace salt with herbs when you cook.
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Relationships: where our greatest growth happens
It’s surely increasingly obvious to observers of humanity (among whom I count myself) just how many of us live our lives with little self-awareness.
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Understanding Funeral Homes: Providing Support and Comfort for the Elderly in South Africa
Funeral homes in South Africa play a vital role in supporting and comforting the elderly and their families during times of loss and grief
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Top 4 benefits of ballet
Classic ballet is often praised as the foundation of many strains of dance and has a long history of development in line with other classic disciplines, like opera and classical music. Besides providing exquisite entertainment and exposure to classical music to audiences, ballet has numerous benefits for those who dance.
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Everything you need to know about barre classes
Barre-based classes are an increasingly popular form of exercise that originate from ballet. These classes are structured around a long horizontal barre positioned in front of a mirror. The barre is used to perform various poses and exercises on and the mirror allows one to check one’s posture, position and movements.
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Naturopathy Every day we are reminded about the harmful things we exposed to; hormones in our food, toxins in the air and damaging chemicals in our medicine. Naturopathy is an alternative practice that fights against all these unnatural toxins and chemicals and focuses on healing the body in a way that is non-damaging and essentially only based on natural and organic methods. A Naturopath treats the body as a spiritual being as well as a physical being, placing a large amount of focus on lifestyle change, diet and exercise. Naturopaths also wo
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Back pain - Costochondritis - Chiropractor Centurion
The definition of costochondritis is an inflammatory process of 1 or more costochondral cartilages that causes localized tenderness and pain in the anterior chest wall
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What Does an Endocrinologist Do? Understanding Hormonal Health and When to Seek Help
In South Africa, where conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, and hormonal imbalances are on the rise, understanding the role of an endocrinologist is more important than ever.
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