An introduction to biokinetics
Biokinetics is an increasingly important aspect of healthcare for many patients who suffer from the repercussions of an unhealthy lifestyle. Too little exercise, poor diet and a high-stress lifestyle have made biokinetics all the more important for those who need help improving their physical condition.
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The perfect ‘me-time’: How to detox through breathing exercises
The time-honoured tradition of using breathing exercises to meditate originates from ancient times and continues to be relied on by many people today. In the intense pace of 21st-century life, genuine calm and relaxation are often difficult to access. Read on to find out how you can harness the power of breath to free yourself from physical and mental distress.
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The pros and cons of eyelash extensions
Eyelash extensions can provide a fuller, longer, and more voluminous look to natural lashes
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Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage. During the course of your pregnancy, it is inevitable that you will be bombarded with numerous words of advice. Whether it comes from your mother, your great aunt or a stranger on the street, the constant grappling with new information can be overwhelming and stressful. It is important that you cope with your pregnancy t
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Health Supplements
Health Supplements As you read this, I’m sure you don’t need to be told about the chaotic nature of modern living. The modern workforce and general busy nature can out a lot of stress on the way we live and has also made an impact on the nutrients we put into our body. The way people eat today has far less nutritional value than the way people used to eat. This lack of nutrition and minerals has lead us to the option of health supplements, which are extra sources of nutrients for bodies that need an extra boost in the health and wellness depart
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An introduction to biochemical therapy
Biochemical therapy is a natural therapy that aims to rebalance a patient’s cellular metabolism by ensuring the body has the perfect balance of essential mineral salts for optimum functioning. The 12 vital mineral salts biochemical therapy focuses on include Calcium Fluoride, Calcium Phosphate, Phosphate of Iron, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Sulphate, Magnesium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Sulphate, Silica Oxide and Calcium Sulphate.
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Treating Breast Cancer – A Holistic Approach
The genes in our cell’s nucleus – the “control room” of the cell – can sometimes undergo abnormal changes or mutations.
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Obesity in South Africans
OBESITY AND LACK OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AMONG SOUTH AFRICANS Obesity is characterized by an excessive accumulation of body fat. If a person weights 20% more than is given in the standard height/weight tables, one is considered to be obese. Except for heavily muscled persons, this is presumed to be correct. Obesity is caused by consuming too much food and not consuming the energy that we obtain from the food we eat. If the body does not utilise all the energy it is stored as body fat. Obesity is not only an adult disease but it appears as in
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What is an Orthoptist? Understanding Their Role in Eye Health and Vision Care
Orthoptists are healthcare professionals who focus on diagnosing and managing eye movement disorders and binocular vision problems
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Safety tips for beginners in bodybuilding
Bodybuilding is an extreme fitness discipline that pushes those who choose it to the maximum limits of what the human physique can endure. Although bodybuilding can be extremely rewarding, it is also very challenging and can even be dangerous if certain precautions are not taken. Read on to find out how to start your bodybuilding journey safely and successfully:
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Dermatologist A Dermatologist is somebody who has been trained to study, research, treat and diagnose skin conditions. A Dermatologist is a Medical Doctor and must have a general medical degree, which takes 3 – 4 years as well as a further specialized qualification which focuses on skin and dermatology for another 3-4 years. It goes without saying that a Dermatologist is more than qualified when it comes to treating any issues you may have with your skin. A Dermatologist will manage any issues with the skin through either topical or systematic
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Managing Chronic Conditions with Biokinetics: A Natural Approach to Long-Term Health
If you’re ready to explore biokinetics, reach out to a professional near you.
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BODIES Personal Training Studio
When you are doing everything right with your training and nutrition and are still not making progress, look back at the “small things “ again!
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Personal Shoppers
Some people know how to throw an outfit together just by looking at it on the shelf. Some people have the patience and the stamina to shop for hours, try on endless amounts of clothing and persevere until their wardrobe is up to date. Some of us, however, just don’t. This is where personal shoppers become the lifesavers of the fashion impaired or even just for the time constrained.
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Art Therapy
Art Therapy Improving your well-being and over all mental, physical and emotional health through the creative process is exactly what Art Therapy is. Art Therapists are trained to guide individuals through a variety of different issues – whether it be rehabilitation, counseling, psychotherapy and healing. Art Therapists Art Therapists are definitely not the airy-fairy image you may have in your mind. A trained art therapist will need to have acquired their Masters Degree in both psychology and art in order to practice and treat patients. An
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Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy. With cupping therapy becoming an increasingly popular form of massage, you may have heard about the technique through the grapevine. However, this newly popular technique has actually been practiced since ancient Chinese, Middle Eastern and Egyptian periods. Cupping Therapy is a practice that has emerged itself into our current times and proves to hold many benefits. What is Cupping Therapy? Cupping therapy is a massage technique that makes use of specially crafted cups. These cups may be made out of glass, silicone, bamboo
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