Alternative Medicine
Alternative Medicine We have all become incredibly reliant on Western or traditional medical techniques that often the idea of anything out of this spectrum can be slightly uncomfortable. However, people all over the world and across cultures have benefited from Alternative medicine and have chosen this way of healing as opposed to mainstream techniques. Alternative Medicine is an umbrella term for a variety of different health practices, which we will explore below: Acupuncture Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that u
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Could you benefit from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a popular psychological tool used by mental health practitioners, and if often described as being similar to cognitive-behaviour therapy. ACT is categorised as a psychological intervention tool that uses the concept of ‘acceptance’, mindfulness skills, and commitment strategies to improve the way a person thinks and to make their mental state healthier.
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The Beauty Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage: Can It Improve Skin Tone and Reduce Cellulite?
If you’re looking for a way to enhance your skin’s appearance while also enjoying a deeply relaxing experience, deep tissue massage could be the answer you’ve been searching for.
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Unlocking the Benefits of Myotherapy: How Targeted Muscle Therapy Can Alleviate Chronic Pain
In conclusion, myotherapy offers a highly effective and holistic approach to managing chronic pain.
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Biochemical Therapy
Biochemical Therapy The human body holds twelve different mineral salts – the very same salts that we find in the earth and soils around us. If these 12 mineral salts are properly functioning in our body, our nutrients will be properly absorbed and utilized within our body. If these mineral salts cease to function, we find that our bodies become susceptible to disease. Biochemical therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on restoring these mineral salts to the body in order to increase physical performance, alleviate disease and perhaps even
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Audiologists: a solution for hearing and balance problems
Audiologists treat hearing and balance issues and all disorders related to these bodily functions. Audiologists treat people with hearing loss and also make use of preventative treatment to reduce the risk of further hearing damage.
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Aesthetic Physicians
Aesthetic Physicians An Aesthetic Physician is somebody who specializes in procedures that are based around cosmetic desires. A patient seeking an Aesthetic Physician is one that wishes to have something removed from their body for aesthetic reasons as opposed to medical reasons. These issues may include scars, moles, and signs of ageing, cellulite, body fat or even body hair. Aesthetic Medicine can include dermatology, reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery but can also include a variety of non-invasive procedures such as chemical peels
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The perfect ‘me-time’: How to detox through breathing exercises
The time-honoured tradition of using breathing exercises to meditate originates from ancient times and continues to be relied on by many people today. In the intense pace of 21st-century life, genuine calm and relaxation are often difficult to access. Read on to find out how you can harness the power of breath to free yourself from physical and mental distress.
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Flower Essences for Hormonal Balance: Supporting Skin and Emotional Health Naturally
Flower essences offer a natural way to support hormonal balance, providing a gentle pathway to improved skin health and emotional wellness.
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What Is Lymphatic Drainage Massage? The Science Behind Its Health and Beauty Benefits
In a world where we’re constantly exposed to stress and toxins, lymphatic drainage massage offers a gentle, natural way to support your body’s health and beauty.
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What is the Alexander Technique? A Comprehensive Guide to Its Principles and Benefits
Exploring how practicing the Alexander Technique can contribute to stress relief and improved mental health.
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Colour therapy: Its methods and benefits
Colour therapy, otherwise known as Chromotherapy, is an alternative form of therapy that has evidence of use dating back thousands of years to ancient cultures in China and Egypt.
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The Science Behind Botox: How It Works to Reduce Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Learn about the science of Botox, its mechanism in smoothing wrinkles, and its medical applications for conditions like migraines and excessive sweating.
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Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback Therapy Think about the movements you can control – you control if you want to move your arm or if you want to walk. Just as we can control a variety of movements, there are functions in our body that are involuntary and are often not though about. These functions include heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension. Biofeedback Therapy is a form of therapy that teaches patients to have control over these involuntary movements. How Does it Work? Biofeedback Therapy is a drug free practice that focuses on bring awareness to the
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Moksha Reiki
A year ago if someone told me I would be a reiki practitioner, I would have said they lost their mind. I had heard about it but had no interest in it.
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Five things you need to know about flu
Flu can be a severe and possibly life-threatening disease, especially for high-risk people. The category of 'high-risk' includes those who are:
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