Radiologists vs. Radiographers: Understanding the Difference in Medical Imaging
Radiologists and Radiographers both work in medical imaging, but their roles differ significantly. Learn how health professionals in South Africa contribute to diagnostics and treatment through X-rays, MRIs, and more.
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The Role of Buteyko Breathing in Stress Reduction and Mental Clarity
The Buteyko Breathing Technique offers a powerful tool for reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity.
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Applied Kinesiology
There are multiple practices in both western and eastern medicine that believe that the body is more interlinked than we know. Applied Kinesiology is one of those practices
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Art Therapy
Art Therapy Improving your well-being and over all mental, physical and emotional health through the creative process is exactly what Art Therapy is. Art Therapists are trained to guide individuals through a variety of different issues – whether it be rehabilitation, counseling, psychotherapy and healing. Art Therapists Art Therapists are definitely not the airy-fairy image you may have in your mind. A trained art therapist will need to have acquired their Masters Degree in both psychology and art in order to practice and treat patients. An
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Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy is a form of treatment that focuses on helping patients to live a fulfilling, active life despite any physical or mental disabilities they may have. These patients are often children who have been born with disabilities but treatment can also extend to patients who have experiences physical trauma and need help being able to perform certain functions once again. Occupational Therapy helps patients to participate in every day life through using therapeutic every day activities that help to strengthen
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Ashtanga Yoga: Advanced yoga for those who love a challenge
Ashtanga yoga is an advanced discipline of yoga that is known for being highly structured and demanding on its students. This specific discipline of yoga was developed by Sri Pattabi Jois, who established a yoga centre in India and crafted Ashtanga yoga into what it is today.
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If you're feeling out of kilter, don't know why or what about, let your feet reveal the answer, find the sore spot, work it out. EUNICE INGHAM, physical therapist
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Preventative Health: How a Biokineticist Can Help You Stay Injury-Free
Incorporating biokinetics into your health and fitness routine is one of the best steps you can take to stay injury-free
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The perfect ‘me-time’: How to detox through breathing exercises
The time-honoured tradition of using breathing exercises to meditate originates from ancient times and continues to be relied on by many people today. In the intense pace of 21st-century life, genuine calm and relaxation are often difficult to access. Read on to find out how you can harness the power of breath to free yourself from physical and mental distress.
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Why would you need to go to a pathology laboratory and how do you prepare?
Arrive at the pathology laboratory on time for your appointment to ensure that your test is performed promptly.
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Treating Breast Cancer – A Holistic Approach
The genes in our cell’s nucleus – the “control room” of the cell – can sometimes undergo abnormal changes or mutations.
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What to look for when choosing a boxing gym
When done correctly, boxing can be one of the most effective forms of exercise that both improves muscle tone and burns kilojoules. However, without the correct equipment and environment, boxing becomes less effective as an exercise and can even be dangerous. Read on to find out what to look for if you are interested in finding a boxing gym:
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The mystical practices of crystal healing as a form of alternative medicine
Crystal healing is a non-scientific and alternative healing practice that makes use of specific stones and crystals to promote wellbeing in clients. Despite there being a lack of scientific evidence for the healing power of crystals, adherents to crystal healing believe that different crystals have qualities that can bring about both mental and physical health and relief for clients engaging in a crystal healing session.
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An introduction to the Bowen technique
The Bowen technique is named after Thomas Ambrose Bowen and is an alternative form of physical therapy that was developed in the 1970s. The technique has acquired a variety of alternative names, such as Fascial Kinetics, Integrated Bowen Therapy, or Smart Bowen.
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How Often Should You Get Dermaplaning Treatments for Maximum Results?
Learn how often you should get dermaplaning treatments for smooth, glowing skin. This guide helps you determine the right schedule for your skin type and goals.
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Unlocking the Power of Sleep Therapy
sleep therapy invites individuals to embrace the healing potential of restful sleep and nurture their overall health and vitality.
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Moksha Reiki
A year ago if someone told me I would be a reiki practitioner, I would have said they lost their mind. I had heard about it but had no interest in it.
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