Hot Stone Massage
Hot Stone Massages If you are looking for a massage technique that is deeply relaxing and invigorating, a Hot Stone Massage is definitely an option to consider. Hot Stone massage is a technique that involves your massage therapist using heated, smooth stones to massage or lay across your back. The heat of the stones is extremely relaxing and aids the muscles in becoming loose and easy to manipulate and massage, ensuring a deep and effective massage. Hot Stone Massage is initially rooted in Native American tradition, where the stones were hea
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What to expect during a Hot Stone massage
Hot stone massage is a massage tradition that centres on the use of several smooth, heated stones in the massage technique. During the session, the therapist places the heated stones on specific regions of the body while giving a massage. Basalt river rocks are often used for these massages because they are naturally smooth and are known to retain heat effectively. In essence, the heated stones provide localised heat and weight to purposefully chosen regions of the body.
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Five facts you need to know about Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy is a form of alternative therapy that has its roots in ancient Eastern medicine. During a cupping therapy session, a therapist will create a suction effect on the skin using cups specially designed for cupping therapy. The therapist uses the cups to create a vacuum effect, which pulls the area of the skin that is in contact with the cup into the hollow of the cup.
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Aesthetic Physicians
Aesthetic Physicians An Aesthetic Physician is somebody who specializes in procedures that are based around cosmetic desires. A patient seeking an Aesthetic Physician is one that wishes to have something removed from their body for aesthetic reasons as opposed to medical reasons. These issues may include scars, moles, and signs of ageing, cellulite, body fat or even body hair. Aesthetic Medicine can include dermatology, reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery but can also include a variety of non-invasive procedures such as chemical peels
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Anusara Yoga: a branch of yoga for the spiritually inclined
Anusara yoga was founded by John Friend in the 1990s and can be classified as a branch of yoga based on Tantric philosophy, which focuses on alignment and order in one’s life. Anusara yoga emphasises the experience of joy through practising yoga and celebrates ‘the Universal Principle of Alignment’, which refers to a belief in the importance of balance and harmony in life. ‘Anusara’ means ‘to follow one’s heart’ and the practice of Anusara yoga is often referred to as ‘yoga of the heart’.
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Top Anti-Aging Facial Treatments to Add to Your Skincare Routine
Explore top anti-aging facial treatments like microdermabrasion and hyaluronic acid facials to fight wrinkles and improve skin texture.
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Personal Shoppers
Some people know how to throw an outfit together just by looking at it on the shelf. Some people have the patience and the stamina to shop for hours, try on endless amounts of clothing and persevere until their wardrobe is up to date. Some of us, however, just don’t. This is where personal shoppers become the lifesavers of the fashion impaired or even just for the time constrained.
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Coming up vegan
Vegan options are seen more and more on everyday menus and new vegan restaurants have opened their doors throughout the city. Defining a vegan diet would be as follows: A type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, dairy products, eggs and honey, but includes a wide variety of plant foods. Reasons for ‘going vegan’ include avoiding the killing and suffering of animals, and the killing of wildlife for profits.
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Exploring Psychoanalysis
Through the therapeutic process of exploration, reflection, and interpretation, patients are empowered to overcome obstacles, embrace their true selves, and realize their full potential for health and wellness.
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Busting Myths About Bariatric Surgery: What South Africans Need to Know
If you’ve ever wondered whether bariatric surgery is safe, effective, or only for extreme cases, this article is for you.
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If you're feeling out of kilter, don't know why or what about, let your feet reveal the answer, find the sore spot, work it out. EUNICE INGHAM, physical therapist
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Jungian Analysis
People turn to Jungian Analysis to create a stronger connection between their ego and their unconscious mind, to essentially become a more in tune and spiritually whole being
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Reiki and Stress Relief: The Secret to Ageing Gracefully
As we navigate the complexities of life, managing stress becomes crucial for our overall health and beauty.
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – the name itself sounds lets us know that this form of therapy is not for the faint of heart. Turning to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy will require you, as a patient, to look within yourself and around yourself in ways that are challenging but also exponentially rewarding. ACT developed as a consequence of psychologists and researches wanting to create a type of therapy that would essentially act as a long-term recovery for those suffering from mental health issues. Alt
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Cupping Therapy
Everyone noticed the spots on all the swimmers in the Olympics a few years ago
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Chiropractic Safety
It is my job as a Chiropractor to make sure that my patient is healthy and I swore an oath to make sure my patients are safe all the time.
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