Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a unique form yoga. It is different in the sense that it is a very still, meditative form of yoga that does not focus on physicality but rather focuses on training the mind and body to sit longer and more comfortably when meditating. Yin Yoga involves stretching layers of fascia around our joints, through variations of seated and supine poses that are held for 3 - 5 minutes.
Whilst other forms of yoga such as Vinyasa or Hatha prepare your body for strenuous and rigorous poses, they do not prepare your body for deep meditative stillness. If you are somebody who is delving deeper into meditation, you will soon find yourself meditating for long periods of time. This can take a toll on your body, especially your knees, hips and joints. Regardless of how fit you are, it is important to prepare your body and your muscle tissue for sitting and meditating comfortably.
It may seem odd to think of stretching our connective tissue. Often we approach exercise with caution and wariness when it comes to movement that could stretch our connective tissue and ultimately injure our joints. Yin Yoga, however, believes that expanding and placing stress upon our connective tissue will result in the body strengthening the tissue. Yin Yoga advocates creating flexibility in areas of the body that most people believe are meant to be nonmalleable - such as the hips, knees, pelvis and lower spine.
If you are somebody who is looking to expand your yoga practice and meditation techniques, Yin Yoga is something you should consider. To find a professional teacher in your area, please visit our homepage.