Anusara Yoga

Health4You offers informative articles on a variety of different types of Yoga. This is to help you, the reader, to have a full understanding before you make the choice that bests suits you. This article will explore the Anusara Yoga practice, and what the practice entails spiritually and physically.
It is well know that almost all Yoga practices are based on a spiritual philosophy, some different to others. Anusara Yoga differentiates itself from other practices by holding a unique spiritual belief. Anusara partakes in a non-dual Tantric philosophy, meaning that their teachings revolve around the idea that there can only be good, and that goodness knows no opposite. Where some Yoga practices believe in acknowledging good and bad, Yin and Yang, Anusara Yoga embraces a philosophy of Oneness that looks for good in all things. An Anusara Yoga instructor will keep this in mind throughout their practice, always beginning by acknowledging the good in a student. There is no notion of wanting to correct or fix the student, but rather to empower them through an uplifting and joyful experience.
Each practice begins with an intentional centering or devotional invocation in order to make the practice both spiritual and physical. Each practice will be devoted to a specific virtue. This virtue will be integrated into the practice – allowing internal attitudes to be represented in physical poses.
The Anusara practice utilizes the Universal Principles of Alignment, a series of carefully curated theories of alignment and breathing. This method is integrated throughout all aspects of the practice – breathing, poses and mindfulness.
If you are looking for a practice that is significantly therapeutic, consider Anusara Yoga. To find a professional teacher in your area, please visit our homepage.