Psychodynamic psychotherapists - Centurion
Best match results for psychodynamic psychotherapists in Centurion + 5km.
We provide long and short term psychotherapy to clients from across the life span to assist with a variety of emotional concerns. At the Ramasodi Psychotherapy Practice counselling is aimed at helping you express your emotions, gain fuller understanding of the problem and also strengthen your coping skills. Therapy is an emotional healing process that takes place through relating with another person. Although, its often major life transitions that prompt one to seek counselling, therapy can also... Read more
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Premier Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Clinic. As seen on DSTV. Male and Female clients. Inpatient and Outpatient treatment. Practice Number: 042864. Medical Aid payments accepted. 3 weeks to 3 months Inpatient Treatment. Aftercare and Family support. Weekly Support Group meeting. Medical Doctors; Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Addiction Counsellors, Family Therapists and Clinical professional nurses. 24/7 medical care onsite. Detoxification included. Individual and group counselling. Now... Read more