Dealing With Change

Change is not always easy, especially when situations are forced upon us, such as losing your job due to retrenchment. This can lead to feelings of fear, loss, insecurity, shock, disbelief, powerlessness, anger and depression. Initially, it is normal to feel these negative emotions. How we cope and deal with change is largely determined by our feelings and our attitudes towards change.
Change is inevitable. Accepting change is the first step to making the transition easier. The more readily we accept a scenario, the happier and more peaceful our lives will become. Finding meaning in change can lead to acceptance. Ask yourself; “what does this change mean to me, how will it affect me and what opportunities are there for me now?” Start to see the positive possibilities in the situation. An example of this could be when your children have left home and you find yourself with an 'empty nest'. You could take up a hobby you've always been meaning to start or do volunteer work. Going back to the example of having lost your job, consider changing your career to something you’ve always wanted to pursue or working in another city. Explore your options.
Once you have decided on your course of action, commit to your decision. Plan how to reach your goals and take action! Who knows, the change you're going through may be a catalyst for you to do something you've always dreamed of.
To summarize, when it comes to change:
- Acknowledge and deal with your feelings.
- Find meaning in change.
- Explore opportunities and positive possibilities.
- Commit, plan and take action.
Change can be challenging, but it's not all bad! Change helps us to grow, experience and learn new things. It's what makes life interesting and it helps us to appreciate our lives as they are now.