Gestalt Therapy

Best match results for gestalt therapy in South Africa + 5km.

    Since early May 2022, Ruth Katz Social Worker has been seeing clients face-to-face while still observing all the COVID-19 protocols. Ruth Katz Consulting Social Worker is still seeing clients on Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and Skype and welcomes inquiries about her services. When prospective clients inquire about my services, I ask them what is bothering them the most - then give them free information about their main concerns, or give them a link to my booking platform if they would like... Read more

    Counselling individuals, couples, families of all ages (children, adolescents and adults). Read more

    II am a Clinical Psychologist with a doctorate in Psychotherapy and many years experience. I see adults adolescents and couples for therapy. Although I specialise in depression and anxiety I have a passion for couples counselling.. My approach to therapy is pragmatic and eclectic. with an emphasis on the unconscious. I pay particular attention to the power of habits and I insist on the interdependence of mental/emotional and physical health. I charge medical aid rates and I work on Saturday mornings... Read more

    I am an Educational Psychologist working with children, adolescents and families to assist with emotional issues through play and psychotherapy. I conduct psycho-educational assessments as well as specialised assessments, such as psycho-legal and concession/ accommodations assessments. I am able to draft parenting plans and offer family mediation. I serve on a professional board for granting of concessions. I am registered with the HPCSA and can claim directly from most medical aids for most types... Read more

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