An introduction to body therapy

Body therapists work to relieve ailments from a patient’s body through the use of herbal remedies and medicines, acupuncture, or pressure massage techniques. They can improve the symptoms of acute or chronic pain and can bring relief to those suffering from strained muscles or tense muscles from poor posture, as is often the case for those who spend long hours working at a desk in one position. Body therapy is available to all ages and many therapists make home visits for those with disabilities or those who are elderly.
Body therapy results in numerous health benefits, both in terms of psychological and physical health. Body therapy, especially massage, can reduce stress by lowering levels of cortisol in the body. Healthy levels of cortisol can contribute to weight loss, healthy sleeping patterns, digestive health, and reduced incidences of headaches. This type of therapy also triggers improved moods and a sense of relaxation and calm.
Body therapy can also promote muscle relaxation, which relieves pain-triggering muscle tension and results in improved flexibility. Massage promotes circulation in areas of muscle that are tense and stiff by improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients to problem areas, thereby reducing pain and swelling.
Finally, body therapy can improve one’s general immune system by helping to relieve the negative effects of high levels of stress hormones in the body. Body therapy techniques, such as massage, reduce the consequences of unhealthy stress, which weakens the body’s natural defences. This makes the patient less vulnerable to infections and diseases.