How to take care of your cuticles

Cuticle removal is often offered at nail salons to allow for a clean and even application of polish all the way up to the skin that surrounds the nail. Cuticles are also often pushed back with cuticle pushers to improve the look of the nail.
These practices can be dangerous, as they weaken and destroy the cuticle and prevent it from performing its main purpose. Cuticles are designed to protect new nail growth from infection as your nails grow from the skin surrounding the nail bed. Your hands are often in the danger zone for picking up nasty germs, as we use them to touch a large variety of things in daily life that often carry bacteria. For example; food, unwashed clothes, animals, public amenities, bathroom ware, and more, are all touched by our hands.
If you want to control the shape and size of your cuticles, do it the safe way by carefully pushing them back. First, use acetone-free polish remover to remove any old nail polish. Thereafter, moisturise your nails by gently working hair conditioner into your cuticles and the skin surrounding them. You may now soak your hands in warm water for a few minutes to encourage the cuticles to soften, as this will make pushing them back much easier. Finally, dry your hands with a gentle cloth and carefully and slowly push back your cuticle with a clean cuticle pusher. Ensure you don’t push them too far back. Rather, leave a rim of cuticle around your nail to allow for protection from infections.