Sports Injury Osteopath

Sports Injury Osteopath
Athletes are always putting their bodies on the line, and injury is a very common occurrence. For professional sportsmen, an injury can be detrimental to their career. In order for these injuries to be prevented or treated, osteopathy has become an important component of sports conditioning. Sportsmen rely on their osteopath to keep their bodies in optimum condition but also to heal or erase injuries that already exist.
An osteopath identifies problems that relate to the bones, muscles and tissues. This variety allows osteopaths to identify larger or wider issues within the body that contribute to more specific pains. For example, a muscle issue in another part of the body may cause pain in the shoulder. Common sports injuries that are treated by an osteopath are strains, sprains and tendon related issues as well as swelling and bruising. There are obviously also more severe cases that affect the ligaments and muscles.
Osteopathy in sports is often used as a preventative measure. This is done through ensuring that the body is always loose and warmed up before games whilst also ensuring it is properly cooled down after games. These techniques involve stretching and massage.