Social Worker in Western Cape

Best match results for social worker in Western Cape.

    Arnon & Gila Practitioners (AGP) operates in the helping; and health and wellness industry. AGP offer a variety of quality psycho-social interventions. Some of our services include marriage enrichment, marriage therapy, stress management, health and wellness intervention, Substance Abuse Intervention, professional social work supervision and so much more... Our therapists Emile & Leticia are qualified clinical honors and masters level social workers. AGP is dedicated to tzedeq- [Clients making... Read more

    Balance Your Life Online is the largest free mental wellness psychoeducational website in Africa. Individuals are able to find information in the form of free online assessments, video's, Apps, Self-help guides, 24-7 helplines, worksheets, online therapists etc. A number of challenges are listed that includes, depression, anger management, anxiety, suicide prevention, addiction, bullying, stress etc. Research has indicated that well over 65% of individuals do not reach out for assistance due to the... Read more

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