- Corner Health, Fish Hoek, Western Cape
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Occupational Therapists in Cape Town Metropolitan
Western Cape
Best match results for occupational therapists in Cape Town Metropolitan + 5km.
Children's emotional and social wellbeing Individual sessions tailored for your needs and goals Support Group weekly using expressive arts and gentle yoga with sharing Expressive Arts facilitation and Counselling Sensory Intelligence Practitioner Cognitive Rehabilitation MARI practitioner Read more
Balance Your Life Online is the largest free mental wellness psychoeducational website in Africa. Individuals are able to find information in the form of free online assessments, video's, Apps, Self-help guides, 24-7 helplines, worksheets, online therapists etc. A number of challenges are listed that includes, depression, anger management, anxiety, suicide prevention, addiction, bullying, stress etc. Research has indicated that well over 65% of individuals do not reach out for assistance due to the... Read more