Obstetricians - Bojanala District

North West Province

Best match results for obstetricians in Bojanala District + 30km.

    Health professionals Obstetricians

    Dr Pieta Geyser is a certified Fertility specialist and Reproductive endoscopic surgeon. Dr Geyser also manages other gynaecologic problems Our main interests are: Infertility management -IVF -ICSI Gynaecology Endoscopic Surgery - Endometriosis management We strive to give excellent service to our patients. Our aim is to assist our patients to improve their quality of life and have a family of their own. We continuously work towards improving our knowledge and keep up to date with... Read more

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    Health professionals Obstetricians

    Dr C Ndjapa-Ndamkou Gynecologist & Obstetrician MBCHB Bsc (Hons) Reprod,Biol.(Stellenbosch ,Cape Town) Dip.Obst.(SA) Master in Sciences(MSc) Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction and Embryology IVI Valencia (Spain) MMED (O&G) Natal FCOG (SA) PGA Assisted Reproduction Technology ,Warwick Medical School (UK). Certificate in Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics ( Harvard University .US) Read more

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