Medical - Cannon Rocks (6186)

Cacadu, Eastern Cape

Best match results for medical in Cannon Rocks + 5km.

    Health professionals Psychologists

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    We know that having a hearing loss can be a confusing and anxious experience. In order to provide you with the best possible hearing outcomes, we use specialized testing equipment to obtain an accurate and comprehensive assessment of your hearing loss. We have strong ties with ENT's so as to refer for medical intervention if necessary. Once the extent of the hearing loss is known, we are then able to match you to the best technology available for your hearing loss, lifestyle, needs and budget.... Read more

    Health professionals Optometrists
    Health professionals Optometrists
    Health professionals Anaesthesiologists
    Health professionals Aesthetic Physicians
    Health professionals Dermatologists
    Health professionals Social Worker
    Health professionals Midwife and Antenatal Services

    A Private Midwifery Practice. Read more

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