Gynaecologists - Tshwane / Pretoria


Best match results for gynaecologists in Tshwane / Pretoria + 5km.

    Health professionals Gynaecologists

    Dr C Ndjapa-Ndamkou Gynecologist & Obstetrician MBCHB Bsc (Hons) Reprod,Biol.(Stellenbosch ,Cape Town) Dip.Obst.(SA) Master in Sciences(MSc) Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction and Embryology IVI Valencia (Spain) MMED (O&G) Natal FCOG (SA) PGA Assisted Reproduction Technology ,Warwick Medical School (UK). Certificate in Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics ( Harvard University .US) Read more

    Our clinic is based in Centurion, Gauteng Province in South Africa. We specialize in reproductive health services and our services range from contraception to termination of pregnancies. Our clinic is a well-equipped primary health care facility where we create a personal and comfortable environment because we believe that we are involved with sensitive issues. Working on an appointment only basis, we offer our clients a confidential, private and personal service Read more

    Fibroid Care is a collective resource in South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana, specializing in treating Uterine Fibroids. Our consultancy and collective resources offer advanced fibroid treatment and are designed to create awareness of Uterine Fibroid embolization as an excellent alternative to surgery for women suffering from fibroids. Whilst we specialize in Uterine Fibroid Embolization, we are well positioned to work with you to help make the correct treatment choice for your unique situation. Read more

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