Audiologists: a solution for hearing and balance problems

Audiologists make use of various tools, such as hearing tests, to determine whether someone can hear within the normal range. If a patient is found to have deficient hearing, the audiologist will then test which portions of hearing are most affected, such as high, low and middle frequencies, and where the damage causing the hearing problems is located, such as in the central nervous system, auditory nerve, inner ear, middle ear and outer ear. Once the audiologist has determined where and to what degree the patient suffers hearing impairment, he or she will then recommend the most suitable course of treatment. This can include a hearing aid or cochlear implant in the inner ear. Hearing aids can be prescribed by an audiologist for anyone at any age, from babies of only a few weeks old to the elderly.
Audiologists also provide treatment and coping mechanisms for those suffering from Tinnitus, which is a condition that causes continual ringing in the ears. In addition to this, audiologists provide general communication tips for improved communication skills in daily living.
Audiologist focus on more than just a patient’s physical health, they nurture a patient’s mental and emotional health too. Audiologists counsel patients and their families through the diagnosis of deafness or hearing loss, as well as other auditory dysfunctions. Finally, audiologists treat balance problems, which are closely associated with hearing issues.
A balance disorder causes a patient to feel unsteady when walking and sitting and can be accompanied by sensations of moving or spinning. Balance is composed of various systems such as sight, hearing and the body’s sense of space.