- 13 Garlicke Road, Ballito 4399, KwaZulu-Natal
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Best match results for anaesthesiologists in South Africa + 5km.
We provide most advanced and affordable Pain Management services at Pain Clinic Ethekwini.Pain Management is a new Speciality of Medicine, recognized as 34th Speciality of Medicine in USA. There are lot of advancement in this branch of medicine and new modalities of management has evolved. The pain which was impossible to diagnose and treat can now be treated easily. Pain management is not taking pain killer medicines nor operation, there are some least invasive method to cure or treat painful diseased.... Read more
Situated in the heart of trendy Melrose Arch, The Melrose Aesthetic Centre sets the standard in anti-aging face treatments, body procedures Regenerative Health and lifestyle programmes. Our team of medical and aesthetic professionals and highly capable support personnel are trained both locally and internationally and regularly updated on the latest trends in the aesthetic industry. Our high level of professionalism and knowledge, along with years of experience, form the foundation of our business.... Read more
I have been a medical specialist now for many years. Originally, I specialised in anaesthesiology and from an interest in acute pain came an interest in chronic pain. 10 years ago I took the brave (I think) step to leave anaesthesiology and to start a clinic where we deal with and manage chronic pain only. Any form of chronic pain we will do our best to manage. I wanted to try and help chronic pain suffers understand that they are not alone, that chronic pain is real and what it is and that there... Read more