Boxing Gyms in Western Cape

Best match results for boxing gyms in Western Cape.

    Gyms Boxing Gyms

    Our main core bussiness is Fitness & Toning true Boxing type of excerzise. Boxing Fitness Training has a lot of advatages for exsample ,Getting rid of stress, Help with toneing and build confidence ,Can be a tool to help with bullying and incorperated as self defence. Good for kids who is ADHD. Boxing Fitness Training is one of those sports that helps with indurance and is a sports that require high levels of fitness. Boxing fitness training is one of the top sports excersize to get you extremely... Read more

    We give you tailor-made fitness in a private environment where we focus on you as the individual. WHAT SERVICES DO YOU GUYS OFFER? Strength & conditioning facilities: A fully equipped gym with cardiovascular and strength training needs. A scarce feature in boxing gyms. Most other boxing gyms dont have this. Boxing classes: Group classes (see schedule) to learn how to box and benefit from the intense level of fitness that comes with boxing conditioning. All in the great vibe of a group class... Read more

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