
Best match results for qigong in South Africa + 5km.

    Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung classes in Durban at The Red Dragon, taught the ancient and traditional Chinese way, not just as a health exercise, but also incorporating the martial arts aspects as well. The benefits are enormous. Building a strong mind, a healthy body and a positive spirit help one live a healthier and balanced lifestyle. Our Mantra is EAT. SLEEP. TAIJI. REPEAT. We believe Taiji is not just something you do, it is who you are and it becomes a way of life. So we never stop practising.... Read more

    Eurofit is an HBB and strive to deliver premium quality exercise to small groups of clients. We focus mainly on Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi and Zumba classes, providing fan and challenging experiences for all!!! Bookings Only.... Read more

    Brahma Kumaris South Africa is part of this worldwide spiritual movement, which is dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal by teaching individuals to view the world as essentially spiritual, rather than just material. The teachings support the cultivation of a collective consciousness of peace and of the individual dignity of each soul regardless of race, religion, culture, education, economic or social standing. We offer a number of programs and courses which help the individual... Read more

    Tuition in Traditional Chinese Kung fu, Tai chi, chi gung, Fu fit and Tactical kung fu self defence classes. We have also introduced a kids Kung Fu class at our Parkhurst branch.Please check out our website for more details and information or call. Come in for a complimentary class of your choice. Read more

    We provide classes in TAI CHI and KOBUJUTSU Tai Chi is a low-impact, weight-bearing, ancient traditional Chinese exercise that has been shown to provide many health benefits including stress reduction, improved balance and strength, reduced pain and stiffness, better sleep and an improved immune system with minimal risk to the participant. Qigong—pronounced “chee gong”—is an even more ancient traditional Chinese wellness practice that has been referred to as meditative movement. One unique feature... Read more

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