Nutritionists - Stellenbosch

Cape Winelands / Boland, Western Cape

Best match results for nutritionists in Stellenbosch + 5km.

    Low Carb Kick Start

    6-week online programme, to help kick start your low carb journey. Not only will we help you understand why low carb is a healthy way of eating, but we also help you to change your habits to fully adapt to low carb. Session are live every Monday and Wednesday at 20:00 Contact us or visit the website for more information.

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    Located in Cape Town, Catie van der Westhuizen RD (SA) is a professional Clinical Dietitian who specializes in nutritional therapy and dietary education. She is committed to forming relationships with patients looking to lose or manage their weight, deal with chronic diseases, and much more. Catie is here to improve her clients quality of life, so get in touch to learn more and start building a healthier lifestyle. Disease specific nutrition Offers professional expertise and clinical experience... Read more

    Registered Dietitian in South Africa, United Kingdom and Australia Vitality Nutritional Assessment Gene based healthcare Manage a variety of diseases requiring nutrition advise/therapy e.g. cancer, insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, eating disorders, digestive disorders, pediatric nutritional problems, allergies, sport nutrition, female health and nutrition, weight-loss and gain. Each consultation includes an individual assessment of your lifestyle and underlying problem as... Read more

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